Clean breakups are better, turns out

I have multiple posts on relationships matters waiting to be posted, this will be the first in the series, possibly.

So I'm bad at breakups, like really really bad. I've never had a 'clean' breakup, it's always been long and stretched out and painful. It's almost always been me who stretches out the breaks because I fear the pain and suffering 'of a clean break. But turns out I got it completely wrong. A quick, easy, and all-out break-up creates certainty, gives one the freedom to start a new and start life on a new page without weighing one down with the baggage of the relationship gone. It gives time for recuperation and rejuvenation, and most importantly, it saves the energy wasted in wallowing in self-pity during a slow and painful breakup. And honestly, if the alternative is quick- turnarounds in relationships, that's not the worst, it's european where people have 'real relationships' that last less than a month and are still emotionally attached during that time.

So here's for quick and easy relationship breaks where I don't cry and complain about a future that was never had. That's a silly way to deal with life, an unproductive and self-defeating way of being 'in relationships. To succeed, one must completely accept and internalize the costs and consequences of total and complete defeat, possibly a humiliating one, and learn to deal with it. I must put myself in that mindset.

That is the only way ahead. It'll be uncomfortable and new, and I'll be miserable in the process. But that's how life happens, that's what learning is.


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