Cleaned a fuckton of planter pots

 It's Tihar time in Nepal which means time to clean things and paint things. As a part of that initiative( I feel gross) I steel-brushed 60+ flowerpots over a couple of hours yesterday and felt accomplished... my dad spent the five hours following 'painting multiple coats on them.

The good-I optimised the workflow for significant time and effort savings for not that much loss in quality of work. It was nice to be helpful at home after so long of not doing 'specially anything. And the pots look nice. 

The downside was my back hurt like hell, it was all so dirty& dear gods the dust and the paint is not poisonous hopefully or I'm so very fucked. Also I uhh damaged some of the plants in due course of my work but they were not high value ones& easily repottable so things were't as bad as they could be. At this point isn't that the best one can ask for?

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