Netherlands is a fucking shithole for non-Europeans and non-nationals

This will be short because none of it is new to me and I don't want to waddle in this sort of filth too much.

My sister's having an awful time in Netherlands, due to their 'technically pretending to toe the legal line but actually in flagrant disregard for the spirit of the law 'attitude with regards to migrants and international students. Basically their university failed all the international students, and only them, won't respond to calls for appeal, arbitration, or transparency, caused one of the impacted students to kill themselves and are absolutely relaxed about the whole situation. The legal or government authorities only pay lip service with being helpful and the students are too afraid to reach out to the media due to fears of retaliation. It's quite clear the dutch don't want non-whites in their country and will do anything within their means to make foreign students 'lives as hellish as possible so they are technically not violating any laws. Again, the Euros 'attitude towards non-white and immigrants is not a surprise to me, but that it's happening to my fam is painful. Well... at least now my sister and I are on the same page regarding our attitude to the continent.

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