Phone usage through the roof due to Stress and anxiety

For the final five or six days of my Nepal stay, my cell phone usage for both the browser and the youtube app was through the roof. Not necessarily because I was bored and looking to kill time, I can always find something fun to do in town that does not involve electronic devices, but because I was super duper stressed out and anxious about the whole confusing 'situation and needed a distraction, a cheap, easy and addictive distraction that wouldn't allow me to ponder upon the annoying situation I found myself in.

Like four hours each for browser and youtube each, which is really good for how much I've reduced my internet usage. That used to be a regular day for me and now it's one of my worst days!

That also provides solid anecdata to my claim that my phone usage is driven directly by the state of my emotional well-being. I'd rather be sleeping than be on the cellphone, but both options are inferior to being out and about and walking.

Maybe the phone usage feeds further into my anxiety and turns into a vicious cycle? It's certainly possible!

Really need to reduce my cellphone usage regardless of other matters though.

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