Discovering D lab, design thinking and all the work they do

I started listening to this book over the weekend by the founders of Ideo and 'design thinking', and it led me to a rabbit hole of similar books on art, drawing, innovation and customer-focused learning. The Stanford D-School is their design school and it's supposed to be very elite and prestigious, I discovered the d school series which is a collection of about 10 books all of them about 2 hours long. Should get a good idea of what they are about and how they think to get in that mindset. In any case, the book I've been listening has made so many great points and a bunch of them I'm going to put in my essays that I have already written because turns out I was thinking along the right path all along. So yeah while reading these books will help me be taken seriously and give me credibility, it's a great thing I was kinda already on that mindset.

The goal is to incorporate the articles and books into my writing and make it like they were always of part of my understanding of the world and the design philosophy. All that needs to be done, again, is to jot them down into a list, a comprehensive one including the page numbers etc, and put them as footnotes on my articles. man it's going to be so cool when I refer to just world-class books right to the passage level and quote level.

Looking forward to reading and writing more on this!

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