Train to europe with friends and a fizzy chhyang finally! [Sat 2]

Oats for lunch with veggies, Volunteer-interlaken walk, website work, At SA and N's, train to europe played, I win in a shocking turn of events, fizzy chhyang yummy Indian pizza, great conversations with friends,

Had oats with veggies from the night before for lunch, went on a really relaxing walk of volunteer-interlaken parks after forever. Because my knee appears to be healing I'm more comfortable making the uphill and downhill climbs that this circuit needs. There's definitely a need that's been felt to spice up the routes now, in addition to just volunteer park and this loop, plus the arboretum route in the weekends, should look up other interesting paths and possibilities for a regular or daily walk. Maybe even as far as Discovery park every so often, otherwise life gets a bit boring, you know? Besides I've never done the loop all by myself, something to keep in the backpocket should I feel bored at life or everyday happenings.

Wrote a couple of pieces for the website, planned more for the remaining 20 hours of work.

In the evening went to SA's place, we played Train to Europe with AD and S and their two friends from grad school. I won the game. For dinner we had yummy pizza from some Indian restaurant, the order I'd asked to be the spiciest had no heat and the one S had asked to have no spice was the hottest. Folks tried my chhyang, it was quite fizzy like a beer, and I was happy things were working out. Trotted out my podcast idea to the gang and they seemed to think it might work. But people are always positive about such propositions, it's only after the execution when real feedback comes in.

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