Where the hell is all this 'repressed' sleep coming from anyway

Two nights of very strong sleep, what happened? Maybe I'm tired? Maybe the habit has been set poorly? Maybe it's the eating habit? Maybe I'm lazy and don't want to work on my website? Maybe I'm being c02 poisoned? Maybe it's something else? Should I be spending many hours in the apartment at all?

Two hours of unintended 10+ hours of sleep, dozing off right after dinner without meaning. What the hell is happening to me?

Things I have considered. Maybe I'm too tired? Didn't get enough sleep last week because of well..issues and general laziness truth be told, and all the work came down to the wire before midnight, so perhaps it was the price I had to pay? Or maybe this is the result of being not too good with my sleep hygiene? In the past I've unintentionally setup quite unhealthy sleep habits that mess my work and personal life, and they start quite randomly. Perhaps this is the part of that pattern? Or perhaps, because I eat generally carby food after being quite hungry in the evenings, the glucose spike is messing my mood and energy level and causing me to blackout? Or perhaps I'm just so tired of working on the website and don't want to write on this blog, and it was the body's way of finding an easy way out, by forcing me to sleep even before I can get my mental mechanisms in place? Another possibility that's worth considering is perhaps due to the change in seasons, the pollen count or something in the air is messed up and now my body is coping with it by sleeping so it can build stronger defenses? Perhaps because there's no clear way for air circulation at my place, and oh so many ferments, the CO2 content of my apartment is at dangerous levels, and I've been drowsy because of the poisoning, and my body just fell asleep due to lack of 02, and the sleep wasn't really restful at all despite the hours and hours of sleep because my body couldn't function well?

So. Many. Possibilities. Maybe it could be something else too!

Now I'm wondering if I should go to the library to spend my days to avoid air quality issues...

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