A true story

I don't want to give the right initials, or where I might have known them from. Because of the nature of the case... I'm excited about this.

It's 11.25 in the evening, and a couple of hours ago I got a text from an old friend who I talk with once every few weeks. We used to be quite close back home, things happened to me, then they lived an extraordinarily happening life, then we met for a few more times. The last time I met them in Nepal they were happy so very happy. We got very drunk together talked about old times about each other aspirations our weaknesses and it seemed we had a lot more in common that we imagined, despite spending a large chunk of time together. It was quite heartfelt. We were both very sad when they got on that car, as I threw in several thousand nepali rupees through the window. They had insisted on paying for our extraordinarily extravagant dinner, I had resisted that, they overpowered me and paid the check anyway.

On our way out of the restaurant we got confusingly intimate without meaning to, adjusted ourselves and got them dropped in their car. There was something there.

They were getting married a week after. I couldn't go because of reasons, but they were happy excited eager.

Since then we've not talked as often as we did before the months preceding our last meeting but we keep pulse on one another. I let them know what I'm up to, they tell me where they're at on a particular given moment, doing what, there future plans and so forth. Not intimate enough to share our issues and trauma, just enough to give the general sense it may not be perfect well-being everywhere. We haven't talked on the phone for the longest time ever.

This evening I got a text. They were getting untangled. I congratulated them for freedom independence and the opportunity to live their lives in their terms. A bit too excited perhaps, I tend to get carried away. Still, it was genuine happiness what was not working for them is being fixed and now they're the master of their fate, the commander of their ship.

They're ready to be a bird. You should be here, they said, we need to party bring the old gang back. I wish I said. But the next time we meet and that's going to be soon because you're there and I want to be there too, you're going to have the best time of your life, I'll make sure. It's been an adventure and you deserve a real party.

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