Farewell to NY folks, early sleep [Sun 19]

Got up at 10.30, washed and cleaned up, waited for the rest of the gang to show up. Drove around Philly a bit, parked near a brunch place, walked for 20 minutes to get there. Took nice pics of YP and SHK with the street art, wow how did not notice the amazing street art here in Philadelphia until three days before leaving.

The place didn't have tables for 5 so they separated us into 3 and 2. We kept talking and taking pictures across the tables, they got really mad we got sad and frustrated they got annoyed, we were tired. It was really sunny outside and ND and I got too heated in the sun. We were not sitting with our friends, we were out in the hot and humid sun and waiting for a brunch that was not as good as we'd hoped for. So we decided to get our orders packed before they came in. Got them to box 'em up and take them home.

Also for some strange reason -- this was one of the strangest one of the most awkward restaurant experiences ever -- they didn't seem to have stirrers or stirring spoons for coffee and suggested we use dinner spoons to stir our coffee. They didn't seem to get the concept of needing separate spoons for coffee and food. One wonders how they were running the restaurant!

At home we unpacked them, got the beers and started munching on them. I thought they were pretty good, the potatoes eggs and the rest, the others thought they were mediocre. N and ND watched football match, the rest of us ate and rested. SHK was quite stressed out, she was working on her laptop as she ate. We ate at 2-ish. She was worried about work, wanted to go back to NYC ASAP, took the Amtrak right as we talked, ordered an uber and was out by 2.30. Didn't get to do a proper farewell, need to hang out with her more.

By this time, SL was up too from his 28 hour shift, and the five of us watched tv talked. Headed out on a drive of Philly, SL didn't want to go so just the four of us. We saw the old streets of the city, where YP had spent time 10 years ago, become inspired for a big project that she did in Nepal later. All the places and the streets were coming back to her. I talked to ND about his life, what he did in Nepal what he liked. What an interesting personality, told YP she should get him a shadow writer to write a memoir. She said she needed to get her own memoir written first, which was...fair enough.

We stopped at Manayunk, which is a cute little touristy town just outside of Philly. They have really nice apartment buildings too, unclear who lives there but what a fascinating concept. We got ice-creams and wandered around for the next hour. YP and I got to really connect talk about our future plans, our past what we wanted to do what we wanted to become where we wanted to go. I suggested she make a timetable, most of which involves her writing her memoir, and finding suitable single women for N.

We tried to get into a few restaurants, they either didn't have seats for the four of us, or didn't have toilet access. We came by this pretty nice chinese/japanese restaurant. We parked ourselves there for two hours, talked more about relationships, gender relations, the kinds of people we like, what we want from life, how it fits with our life philosophy, and what core values are. Got a bunch of appetizers. It got a little too philosophical at the end. I understood where YP was coming from. We drove back, they dropped us off in front of N's place, and presumably drove back to NYC. They were talking about being too tired to drive. As it happened, they didn't drive to NY and hung in Philadelphia for another night.

I jumped into the couch got my sleeping material ready and felt asleep pretty much right away, at 9.30 pm. It had been a busy weekend and I was tired physically and emotionally. So fun though. Got up again at 2am, couldn't get back to sleep until 4, that kind of sucked.

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