Hurt eyes, nice afternoon nap [Tue 14]

Despite sleeping at 3, got up at 8 and couldn't go back to sleep. Work involved a series of meetings one after other.

Lunch was leftover from last night. The rice that hadn't been fried just mixed with the meat-veggie combo. Added a nice swig of soy sauce and microwaved it for two minutes and it was the literal bomb. Twelve hours later I'm still craving it.

Due to lack of sleep and possibly due to eye dryness issues by eyes hurt like they were fireballs in the evening. Didn't know what to do but sleep. So took it easy workwise in the evening and napped. What an unexpectedly sound nap it was too, slept for two-and-half almost three hours without noticing anything.

Got up, had watermelon, talked to N. He is absolutely obsessed with Grey's Anatomy. It's a series with 45-minute episodes and 25 episodes per season and he's watched through the first three seasons in the last week. I don't even want to calculate how many hours that is.

Wrote a bunch, read up some news, youtubed. Grant from mythbusters has passed away due to brain aneurysm, what a bummer. Nice inspiring guy, I followed his work after Mythbusters too, what an inspiration he was to everyone. Watched the Adam Savage tribute to him.

Started writing at ten-ish, still writing at half past twelve. Haven't gotten back to the old writing discipline yet. Have been doing better this week than last, and have pretty much hidden the fact that I was AWOL for more than a week here. That's an achievement.

Hoping to get up early tomorrow to finish up the remaining 'catchup' writeups and then back to the daily grind it is, hurray!

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