The dastardly plot to make everyone great!

One way or the other you end up there.

Most people get there the straight way, the easy way. You live your life do good things earn a lot of good hard-earned karma after accepting the fate give to you. The more you earn the higher you ascend.

The other way, the hard way that is sure to fail, has never succeeded for long, and it shouldn't be considered a legitimate way. You pick fights with the gods, defeat them in battles capture their realms and rule as kings and queens. The risk is that if you lose you lose bad and they will destroy you and your kind for all eternity, they are not afraid of genocide those gods. The reward is that unlike humans who are offered whatever crap positions are available, all the leftovers, you don't need to accept that indignity. Those who do it the second way have their pick on where they want to live and how they live.

There is a third way, lower in risk and a little in reward but it is challenging unpredictable at times and it's not a guarantee. You can spend thousands of years in penance for a boon from the holy quarternity, ask for some sagely abilities become pious and threaten the gods essentially.

No one actually holds the Gods at gunpoint in reality. They're respected powerful sages, not a village goon holding other people at hostage like the orange cretin the gods will be well-acquainted with at some time soon in the future. They ask nicely, point out that the Gods broke some rule of piety and proper action, some fundamental tenet of dharma. The gods are unlikely to reject, for they fear being cursed by powerful sages, something that has happened far too often. They ask for forgiveness. A way to repent.

That is when you, the great sage, make your move. This is the time to reap your reward, pick your mangoes. You ask them for something else you want, which was your original goal, you were using piety as a leverage against the unpious deutas. The gods can be happily counted upon on not following the rules set up for the universe, and a small cottage industry of practitioners arbitraging that moral failing has sprung up in the form of wise sages and rishimunis.

The deutas understand they are being taken advantage of. They can't do anything about it despite knowing that there are professionals who will leverage their moral failings for their own gains. Because one can be certain if a sage is truly a man of great piety and kindness, or a fraud who is just shaking down the rulers of the swarga, not even the dwellers of swarga. It's not just a matter of masterful cons cunningly hiding their tracks,  the tricky part is sometimes they are indistinguishable!

The fraudsters commit acts of great piety and kindness seemingly without meaning to and the energy they attain from such acts is far greater than anything the deutas can hope to ever muster. On the other hand, real verified wise sages who have had a history of great selfless deeds come begging for personal favors, using the deutas' repertory of influence and power for seemingly minor personal gains. Getting your child married to a hot woman is not something you should be holding the gods hostage to oh wise ones, but that's how things go. For those in Indra's court this was the price of staying in power. As long as they were able to afford it, things were all alright.

These are the circumstances under which our story begins.

The demonic races were very much aware of the situation, and looked at every opportunity to provoke the gods. They understood that if the gods could be led to believe that living with the great sages was not sustainable, and could be enticed to act against them the calculus of the situation would change.

If the gods could be made to find the sages and wise ones unreliable and untrustworthy, their work would be done. The deutas were a cynical and insecure bunch, much more so than the demonic races. For the demons, the transactional nature of certain sages was not an end to the order of the universe, sure they got a little greedy sometimes but their output was a thousandfold, a millionfold more positive for the universe than they could ever gain back from it. They trusted the rishimunis. The deutas did not.

There was no point in turning the sages against the gods. There had been many of the demonic tribes who had become sages, and it was not that they had stopped being 'evil', for the demonic tribes were never evil to begin with, they had become detached. Suddenly very unpolitical. Otherworldly. They cared not for power or institutions. They cared for the 'bigger picture', the greater good. Which was nice if you were a deuta who didn't want a challenge to their status quo, but it wasn't ideal if you found the existing status quo to be unsustainable and unjust.

The demons hoped to use the abilities of the sages to bring about a political change, in a roundabout way.

The scheme was simple. Encourage more humans and demons into becoming sages, earning great amount of positive energy. The humans and individual demons weren't too useful as political allies or fighters in battles, for their powers were negligible in front of the great might of the deutas. If they ascended, however, they would be on a level comparable to the ethereal ones. By creating more potential challengers for the gods, they hoped to spook the gods. The insecure cynical ones retaliated with severity to  even a slight perceived threat to their chokehold on control of most realms.

That is how the demons began a project of mass-pietification. Worship the quarternity. There is something transcendental beyond the swarga, the great abilities, the loss of ego, being one with the universe. Aim higher than transcending the material world. Transcend the ego of existence. The way out of the pain and suffering of existence is not karma, or living what your fate is, but escaping it entirely by going to the mercy of the great quarternity. Live life not to lavish and enjoy, not of consumption. Be kind, merciful loving and pious.

The numbers were encouraging but not sufficient. You could not make the flesh desire less flesh. You could push the marginals, the one spit upon the disillusioned disenfranchised confused ones, they would be easy to sell to. The ones with wealth and great ability to consume, with good life and comfort, they saw no reason to change their lifestyle. Living had become easy, thanks in part to how the demons had worked closely with the humans to improve their technologies. Fear of the gods had decreased, the need to hold themselves to the cycle of the karma gone. There was no convincing people to go back from the good life of comfort to one of limitations and pecuniary living.

No, they would have to engineer it such that the comfort game to the ones reaching for sagacity. They needed teks to bring transcendence to the earthly realm without it being a life of torture and pain and suffering.

Their biological scientists came up with a solution. The original plan was to you teks to make the demons transcendent, so they could be assisted in defeating the deutas. The apathy of godliness defeated the purpose of that...those that ascended didn't care for the political change, rather successfully convinced the others to give up their desires and hopes of taking over the realms of the swarga. The attempt was abandoned, it was a hindrance to the cause than an assistance. But that was different. This could be interesting.

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