Heads up to everyone

This is mostly a heads-up to me. If you're reading this and are not me, might want to pay attention too.

I've been telling people about this piece of shit pile of crap shithole crappola unreadable bile wordvomit annoyingjournal blog without being asked for it. Five people know about this. FIVE! Might want to think about that. FIVE!

In any case, the original intention behind this was to be a sounding board for my ideas. It still is. A bucket for me to vomit words so a few of them may live life of greatness once they're sharpened and polished. A practice for my nonexistent writing skills. A place to force me to write something anything really as long as my fingers ere moving and words were appearing on the screen. I've been doing that better now.

All that means that one should not have any expectations of quality from this. This is a total waste of your time, nothing of substance or quality is unlikely to ever be published here. You're unlikely to find any secrets divulged or any event extracted from these pages. Apart from the secret about that house which was bought though since nobody checked it here, nobody knows.

So that's it.

This is it.

No revelations, no ideas, no secrets, no saucy gossip. It's a record of what I ate and with who interspersed with my desperate but slowly dying attempts to be funny. It's sad, the same way you hear someone who thinks they're going to be a great singer but deep in your heart you know at best they'd be an okay ironic singer.

The Sunday Morning Love You person.

I'd like to be TSMLY person of shitty blogs. I'm not good enough for that, even. Still fine. This is my work, fruit of my labor, watermelon of my womb, work of my fingers. It doesn't have to be good. I'm glad it exists.

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