
There's an entry called 'optimism' on the list of title I created last week. It'd be great if I remembered what this was about. I dunno, no clue what this is about.

It's difficult to be optimistic about the world right now. There are too many things going wrong in the US, it's unclear if there's any justification for imagining things might improve. With the disease ravaging, the world may not become a nicer kinder easier to work-at place in the future. We're in a bad place, and things are going to get worse.

Where do we look for solace, for consolation. The safe havens are safe because the hordes haven't made there yet, and they'll try to keep it that way for the foreseeable future. Literally running away from our problems could have been a legitimate solution but it's not one anymore. We are stuck, to stay in place and suffer.

Is there truly nothing we can look forward to, be optimistic towards?

My original hope -- and this remains still deep in my heart -- was that nations would realize that a controlled 'cold storage' of society would be an option. Pause or delay the flow of trade commerce and people, and allow to go life as normal in their payments. Ensure they can survive and make the ends meet, have their healthcare and basic needs met. The disruption would disrupt societies but not individual lives. We would have kept ourselves in suspended animation until this passed away or a cure was found. The orangebuffoon blew that out of consideration.

Disruption is also an opportunity for growth and reconsidering existing strategies. A forest fire clears out old trees and allows the growth of new vegetation that will grow stronger, be more robust. The hope was, still is, that this clears out or makes us questions old institutions and systems, the way we have lived, and allows for alternative innovative approaches to life. Smart agriculture, smart education, alternative transportation, organized cities, improved healthcare, etcetera. This is not over yet, the full impact will be seen over several years. We can hope this leads to more of these changes, makes our communities and societies more robust to such disruptions in the future, makes us more resilience. I've be getting less optimistic about this as time goes, alas. Still there's hope.

These were the systematic changes we could be optimistic about. This event could lead to changes to our personal lives that could lead to a better future too. Options we had never evaluated at all because we were too comfortable in our lives, or because there was no need to consider alternatives, have now come to the forefront. Because we are more aware than ever life is uncertain things can happen at random and we are not as resistant to random acts of nature as we thought hoped rather we were. We can start making changes to our lives to make them more sustainable, forward looking. Connect more with friends family and the loved ones because they are the ones we have kept our sanity with, the ones we realize now matter the most. The unconsidered options are now real choices, and they could drive us to great places that would have been beyond our vision in past lives. That's something I'm optimistic about.

That's all I can think of at the moment. Will keep posting those as I come up with them.

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