Lunchmaking, superduper cleaning, out of action pretty early [Tue 28]

Got up late, it's getting to be my usual habit now, ambled into work, bunch of meetings. Not much scrubs watching anymore, though did get a bit of writing done.

For lunch I fried some onions and garlic, added canned tomato puree from Hunt's, let that cook for a couple of minutes in high-ish heat, semi covered so it reduced but didn't splatter anywhere, added black beans and chickpeas cooked for some more time, turned down the heat made some 'holes' in the gravy and cracked open five eggs, turned the heat off, covered it with lid and let it sit for 20 minutes. The eggs were perfect. Had it with two wheat tortillas I got from wegmans the night before. Yum. I'd add mushrooms to it when I make it again. Should have put it in there anyway, realized only after eating.

After work had a meeting with my mentees that kept getting delayed due to their timetable. Spent a solid hour brooming and mopping my room, every corner of my room is clean and bug-free. I can say with a high level of confidence there aren't many more bugs than any other room in the house. Might let the fogger lose once or twice again during the weekends to disrupt the breeding process if worse comes to worse.

Was ready to work on my bike, go on a bikeride and have fun generally, including writing a lot more posts in the evening. Too tired, rested and got some gigglies with the guys. Ate a lot, lot lot. A lot. Like four scoops of ice creams, two slices of bread with peanut butter and hummus, brown rice, and the gravy from lunch. And like four pieces of the merci chocolate I bought in Jan but never ended up giving anyone because I'm a goddamn chicken and now the cute people are gone and here we are me and my idiocy.

Don't remember when I went to bed, got up at 3 am and had trouble going back to sleep. The sleep wasn't as sound as I've had just don't remember much of it.

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