Good morning world

Good morning world, I write this on a Friday morning at nine 9am. I've taken the day off to take care of my personal matters. There's woody insects in my room so I can't go there. I'm currently parked in roommate SM's room, he had to go to Nepal prematurely in a rescue flight due to all the things happening around.

Finally I feel like life might be back in order. I don't know what's gotten into me since I came to Boston two days ago, but I get up on time and I feel really sleepy right on time. I guess it's the fact that I don't really like having a laptop on my bed, and there's no tv in my sleep-room that's guided me towards this mindset of peacefulness and calm. Also could be the fact that SM's room faces the street and there's so many loud pickup trucks and garbagemen and other loud people in the morning like you could not imagineee. I complained about Philly being too loud the other day in these very pages. Lets say our apartment doesn't appear to be that much better either, it was just my room that's nice. I need to get back into my room. I'm getting out of the house to get sub bug sprays and spray the crap out of them, cover the room for a few days and then get back. Vacuum up the suckers etc.

Also going to be starting on the workout schedule and other health-conscious things since I've finally got my private space now.

Things are lookin' gooood.

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