Insane brunch, trip back to Boston, Insane dinner, Dominos Hack [Wed 22]

Got up reasonably early fresh despite having gone to bed at wee hours of the night watching the Indian matchmaking reality tv show.

Since I was taking the second half of the day off, spent the morning quite productively at work. Didn't get a lot of stuff written personally, but the work stuff was top-notch.

Did a quick packing, I didn't have too many things to begin with. I'd left Boston four and half months previously with only a backpack for an extended weekend, and was going back with a few more pairs of clothes than I started with.

For brunch we got takeout from this breakfast place a couple of blocks from N's place. They took only cash, so we went to the ATM, and walked over there. They were really busy it made me happy that restaurants are still doing alright despite...all of this. I got the breakfast burrito, N got eggs benedict. Which he had also gotten at the worst restaurant experience in recent history a couple of days previously. Kinda' brave.

Damn that breakfast burrito was good. Great in fact! It came with the lentil gravy to dip it in, with a side of avocado and sour cream. It must have had conservatively four eggs. So filling so tasty so creamy. The lentil/bean gravy was amazing, it made me happy about the world.

Anyway there was some drama with the Lyft. I ordered it _only_ 45 minutes before my train was due, thinking since it was 30-min walk I'd get there in 10-15 minutes comfortably. The lyft said it'd be 15 minutes before it got there, and another solid 20 minutes before I got to the train station SO I was suddenly cutting it EXTREMELY tight despite ordering at what I thought was a reasonable time. Then got a text that said the train had been delayed by an unknown time. Which meant I considered cancelling the lyft. Waited forEVER for the uber, in the middle the driver I was waiting for cancelled and someone else who was right on our street picked me up.

The drive to the train station took 5 minutes, I was early by a solid 20 minutes. Even if the train hadn't been delayed.

Waited in the warm waiting station for 20 minutes, got into the train and we were off to Boston! The train was half-full, or half-empty depending on the your persuasion, people were wearing masks and the staff was decontaminating everything pretty thoroughly. I was satisfied. The train got considerably empty past New York.

The train-ride from Philly to Boston is quite scenic, the part around CT specially I should do this more often. Satisfying ride, got to see this part of the country from outside the i95.

Right around the Mass. border, the guys aka the roommates reminded me of the Pizza dinner treat that I had promised them. I ordered from the train, set pickup to 7pm which would be about when I'd hopefully be in the house. I figured out a hack from dominos: there 'speciality pizza' is just regular pizza with certain toppings. Instead of getting those -- they cost 19 bucks -- you can use the coupon for the large pizza with five toppings, it costs 10 bucks, and add the exact add-ons as the specialty pizza. That way you get the same pizza for half the cost.

The other 'hack' is to use multiple orders so you can use multiple discount coupons. That way you can use the 'medium sized pizza' coupon to get cheesy breads and medium pizza maybe even pasta, and also the 'large pizza with 5 toppings' coupon to get the speciality pizzas for cheap. I got two large specialty pizzas, two cheesy breads, one medium-sized pizza, and two hot lava cakes, all of this for 55 bucks. What a deal! We calculated the calories of all the dishes and it was close to 20k calories. Great, great value for money in terms of calories and the flavor. Eff the calorie, the flavor's amazing even if it was a bad-deal calorically. Roommate BB discovered that cold chocolate lava cake is great too.

After getting down at the South Station, ordered a lyft, took a couple of pics with me in the city sent it to all close friends and family.

Back home, talked to the boys, got myself setup in SM's room for a couple of days before I cleared my room out. BB brought in the pizza, devoured it took in a bit of gigglies it didn't help. Ate a couple of slices of pizza and cheesy bread, half of the dessert and called it a day. I was so tired.

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