On confusing hunger and pain

This has happened to me on several occasions in the past, so I've got a good reading of it. It can be tricky to figure this out when you don't know this is possible, so putting this out as a public service message.

Let's cut it short: it's possible to confuse hunger, deep hunger for other bodily pains, a stomachache or even a severe headache. If you feel a strange pain in your body, general lethargy and haven't had a lot to eat, but can't feel discernible hunger, it's quite possible that your severe pain is actually hunger, masked by everything else happening in your body.

First, take a nice long shower. Make sure you don't pass out of exhaustion. Then, eat comfort food, high in calories and fat, but make sure you've got your proteins too. Meat or egg, or beans and lentils and green veggies, there's so many options. Eat more than you normally do, making sure meanwhile that you're hydrating yourself. Take slow and deliberate bites, use water to ease the food's journey deep into your stomach. Avoid eating gassy soda or drinks, or crappy snacks at this point, look we all love Doritos but it's got a time and place for it, and this particular occasion would not be it. After you feel content and possibly a little comfortable due to over-eating, take a few more sips of water to make sure you're not dehydrated. Then nap. Set a timer for an hour or two if you have somewhere to be, if not, nap unrestrained.

When you wake up, the headache or the other pain should have gone completely, at the very worst you will have a mild ache remaining as if a reminder for the ache you had before. Don't put yourself in a place that is like to stress you out, chill music chill people chill environment. Listen to slow songs. Drink lots of water and fruits [or fresh juice if you can]. Look at the trees, go on a nice walk, talk to a friend or an interesting person who always brings you joy. Keep it low-key and slow.

Look at the stars.

Appreciate how insignificant we are, how what seems so urgent and demanding is actually an illusion, a demand for something seemingly different and unrelated. Appreciate that the hidden truths out there are out for unraveling if you're looking at the right place. Listen to soothing music, a glass of lemonade or lemon soda with a little bit of pink salt. Something else if you want to soothe your stomach. Think happy, comforting thoughts. Don't get angry excited horny. Long breaths. Looong breath. This is good, you're one with yourself, it's going to be fine.

Consider the headache you found debilitating a few hours ago. It's disappeared completely now. Sleep a peaceful comfortable thankful sleep.

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