Laptop fail, N returns from NY, Microscopy [Fri 10]

This was the second day of hackathon at work, so things were confusing busy flitting. Unfortunately my laptop charger decided to give up at the middle of the day. I was using N's charger to get it to charge but he had been gone for two days now, I was stranded. Spend an hour or two trying to figure out an alternate strategy gave up. Informed manager that it could come some disappearances during the day. Texted N when he was coming back, he said later in the day, used that opportunity to take a nice long shower. Cooked myself a nice brunch of toast and scrambled eggs with so so much butter yum, it was like a bit of egg swimming in a puddle of butter.

Had a really long meeting with a different technical manager from work. I proposed two ideas, both were extremely well-received and he encouraged me to follow-up on those. That's exciting, need to get working on that.

Early afternoon N returned from NY, we talked for hours catching up on the events of the last two days, how the wedding went the parties the situation and the people involved. Things seem to have stabilized and everything is going to be fine. There is not much concern.

The cookie care package that work had sent never ended up arriving I was a little pissed but ah what can you do.

While we were checking for packages, we saw one come in from amazon. It was the usb microscope we'd ordered a couple of days before. We were excited the two of us, one of the earlier posts explains what we did with it. So much exploring with the fabrics, the coins, screens plants etcetera. It's going to be useful, N thinks it's useless he might even return it but it's going to be useful guys.

I was hungry in the evening and didn't want to eat a big dinner. Finished the remaining of the papaya, finished toritlla chips, heated them with parmesan (yuck, I know, it wasn't bad don't hate until you try that's allimsayin') added avocado tomatoes onions etcetera, more salsa on the side to dip, and had that as dinner. As quick and easy dinners go it was one damn fine dinner.

Kept working on the posts till one in the morning, went to bed at maybe 1.30.

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