Nine ways everything you've been told has been a LIE

  1. Sheep don't talk, and they definitely don't answer questions about 'how much wool they have'. Like how would a sheep even estimate the mass/volume of the wool it had on itself, and what's the definition of a 'bag' anyway. Sheep are reared like cattle, culled for meat and sheared for wool. It's a resource intensive process, processing of the sheep materials which is why wool is pricey. You wish the sheep would go around informing when they were all set and sit down at the shearing station like nice young boys.

  2. No one cares about random homeless people whether they sit on walls or fall down. The mental health situation for the economically disadvantaged is horrendous, without older social structures to support them, society might as well be collapsing. Humpty dumpty would have died a sad anonymous death nobody would even find out, and if it did make it to the news they would treat him like a junkie loser who was WHOLLY responsible for his ailment.

  3. Johny would have gotten a nice beating from his father for telling lies and daring to make mockery of the seemingly random and unstructured rules.

  4. That poor girl with a heart of gold who marries a prince? Where the pumpkin turns into a carriage? If you saw the birds around her, they're magical too, the few dozen of them, that's what the fairy godmother turned the young girl's body lice into.

  5. Considering everything happening in the world right now particularly in America,  Mr. JH Christ would be treated like a criminal, put into a detention center where he would be tortured and possibly raped, he would die of an easily curable infectious disease and no one would say peep.

  6. The stars don't actually twinkle, it's the atmospheric motion of air and how it refracts light that makes it look like they're twinkling. It's like how everything shimmers on a hot day because of warm air.

  7. Princesses have no real power, the ones that do are often marked with deep cuts act like the evil stepmother, they're a lot more crueler and Machiavellian than the fairy tells would have you know. The closest to a Disney Princess are family members of Genghis Khan, and Disney never shows that.

  8.  Magic isn't real, it's all made up!

  9. There is no happily ever after!!!

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