Don't want to exaggerate it, but it's genius.
There's such vicious anger, strong reaction against it, because what was unsaid what was hidden has been shown. The leprosy, the rotting skin, the maggots underneath, the stench of death is there, it's not hidden. A silken cloth to hide your shit does not make it disappear. Once you remove the cover only then can you start working on fixing the festering wound.
It has exposed us. Made us naked. Made us realized that we are part of the system that is fundamentally so flawed faulty wrong. We are villains in this story, we are not clean. No one likes being the villains in their own stories.
Good and evil is not clear, except generally Americans I guess. The truth is there is a little bit of evil in all of us, we are not clean. And when we see our ugly side reflected to us, when we see in others ourselves with an amplification of our more evil tendencies, we judge harsher, we become angrier than we would otherwise. How could they, we complain, be so similar to us, and yet be so insane. We aren't afraid of the evil. We are afraid of the similarity.
We are all complicit.
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