Thirteen places that are actually in Nepal, you just don't gettit

  1. Ayodhya, obviously. This I don't have any problems it and no one should because there's equal amount of evidence on either geographical place.

  2. The pyramids. In Eastern languages Egypt is called Misr. In Nepali blocks of sugar are called Misri. This obviously means Egypt was in Nepal, they used to make sugar blocks, and now the Egyptians are fooling everyone etcetera. The Pyramids of GIZA meaning GUM in Nepali? Makes sense now?

  3. Bukhara. Bukhara is the ancient center of Islamic culture and learning. Great poets, writers, artists artisan came through it or lived there and created this great cultural output. You may not know it but it was actually in Nepal. It used to be called POKHARA, since the Arabic language does not have the consonant "P", they pronounced it as BUKHARA. Obviously.

  4. Atlantis. The mythical city of Atantis was obviously in Nepal. Scientists know that Nepal used to be a part of the ocean, underneath the seas. What do the rulers of Atlantis carry? Trident! Who else carries the trident? Shiva! Where does Shiva live? In the Himalayas, Kailash etc. Where is it? Nepal. IT ALL MAKES SENSE.

  5. Nysa: The beautiful valley of nymphs in Greek mythology. It was in Nepal too. Because think about this, Nepali women are beautiful, the Greeks probably thought them as Nymphs since they were so exotic. And Nysa means night, because you know what you want, with really attractive women. And Nisha is also a girl's name. Plus, Nepal's got so many valleys, they HAD to be talking about a Nepali place.

  6. Eiffel tower: Jaifal is a fruit in Nepal. It sounds like Eiffel, and looks a little like that too if you squint hard enough. It's obviously inspired by Nepali architecture -- doesn't it look like the temples? -- and sounds like a Nepali word. Thus it was meant to be built in Nepal originally and the French stole it instead.

  7. Bali: The ancient city of Bali is actually in Nepal, the Bali in Indonesia has nothing to do with the mythological city. For if Ram was born in Nepal, and he met King Bali nearby, he had to be in Nepal, the king and his Kingdom had to be  in Nepal. They didn't have planes and motor cars then, people didn't travel long distances. Since the city was obviously named after that king, the ancient kingdom of King Bali was in Nepal. is. Is.

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