Waaa, Look at all the turd that I shat out!


That's the emotion that comes after looking at the post count on this blog. Getting close to 2000 posts total, a million words a year is not that far of an achievement anymore. Ambitious but achievable. Not going to be there this year but it'll be within grasp.

Let's be real for a moment.

This ain't nothin'. This is shit. I have ten minutes free from work I force myself to write something. Make myself write before going to the loo to piss, make it a rule to write something before going on bike rides. These are not the works of the 'creativity demon' the famous inspiration of great writers. There is no entity channeling creative energy through me into the physical space. This is all my creation, stink and all. Oooo boi does it stink too.

You can choose to excel in different things. Some people become the greatest of doctor, some people are just amazing dancers. Some will go for 'largest number of balls juggled' record, or dance for seven days without stopping for food or toilet. To excel at something is to demonstrate there are few of your caliber in your cohort. The dancer's form could be bad, a marathon runner could destroy his shins after a single real run. It's fine, their goal is not for the victory in the long-term, they aim for a personal victory. To beat the odds to show doing incredible things is possible. That they're not nobodies, they've got it in themselves to push themselves to the limits of human endurance and beyond to prove an inane point. To set records nobody cares about. It's the desire to be different to be acknowledged and understood. To stand out among the billion and a half in the north and another billion and a half in the south.

I ain't got any of that drive. That's some real crazy shit you have to pull off.

I'm but a mere human.

The kind of crap I can pull is to shit all the time, shit on shit on shit on shit, weigh it, and brag how much I pooped. Like a very proud ten-yearold. It's not much, it's gross it's unhealthy a ridiculous little bit. But it's something. To make the days go by faster. Remind yourself that there are good things happening, there is something worth waking up tomorrow.

In the end, that is what matters the most.

Is it not?

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