After the fact, a letter


Dear Bobcat,

I'm writing this to you like an oldtimey letter because of the weight and heft of the emotions behind this, something a long chat thread couldn't do. I got your email address from your friends. I know you don't like me sending you emails like this because you get too stressed out, you're afraid of the seriousness. There's no option now bub this is all I have.

I don't expect a reply, please don't send one, this can't be a long series of who did what and why how we're sorry maybe it's time to take a different approach. As I write this I'm getting ready for a long stressful expedition from my lab, they decided this was the perfect time to go into an isolate place for several months. We will be safe from everything, and won't be missing too much on our social lives. This doesn't work well with you plans I know. Oh well.

We had a good run I think. An alright run maybe, we got to discover each other but more importantly we discovered ourselves what we want from life what kind of people we prefer and how to work closely with those that are so very different from us. We connected on so many things, tackling on common adversities with so much being thrown at us taught me more than the first two years of college. And we bonded there is no denying that we started cold and got closer as things went. You will agree we had some great times together.

As we discovered each other and ourselves we came to a realization that we weren't meant to be. For each other I mean, you have taken it longer than me to internalize that you're getting there. They say people drift apart in relationships, that is not what happened with us...It was like two strong currents smashed us together in the beginning and once the overpowering force of the water was gone we bounced away into separate trajectories. There was no 'drifting' apart we never grew cold or disheartened. We just did. I hope you do still.

Like we talked about the other night, this is not the ending. There are no endings in life only pauses and diversions. This is a pause and a diversion, we will surely cross paths again. Then we will have become different people, mature understanding kinder. We will be with others possibly, we will look into each other's eyes and instantly get the other.

We have grown so much. Our personalities have blossomed. We complemented each other. This was no fairy-tale story but they are rarely ever are they. Still, it was no loss despite the difficulties we faced towards the end. We grew into ourselves because of each other.

Our paths will surely cross again,


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