
I hoped when I came to Boston that I had successfully escaped the greatest most painful dirtiest nastiest wettest heat the city has to offer. How wrong I was!

Yesterday's temperatures got up to three digits, it was easily one of the hottest days I can remember in Boston. In previous years the air-conditioning at work, school dorms offered a solace, an escape from the deadly glare of the big bad solar wolf. No more. In my room all day long, without an air-conditioning has been a revelation about how tiring energy-sapping summers can be. There is a powerful table fan by my side, that sits on the floor, coughs like a person with whopping coughs -- what's a cough the whoops sound like anyway -- that's offered me some respite. No safety, just mild solace.

Wearing T-shirts is impossible. Even with the fan on, it gets unbearably hot. Meetings are the worst because the fan can't be on, and in the case that video somehow gets turned on, I have to wear something on the top to be prepared. I've been avoiding wearing shorts too, they burn my legs...it's only roommate BB and PK around so I don't mind. Haven't walked around the house in my boxer-briefs as much as the boys like to, but that could change quickly if things remain as they are.

Going to sleep is difficult too. Turns and twists turns and twists, sweat drenched sheets and legs, everything is a sticky mess all things itch. Some asshole outside makes strange noises deep into the night, there's this dripdripdrippping noise coming from a neighbor's house that makes me imagine of insects running inside the walls -- or my head -- and I can't focus on sleeping but on awful things that could happen.

The heat is driving people into insanity.

Wearing masks is hard too, your face becomes a wet gassy sauna, smelling the fermented versions of your former meals. Breathing is difficult -- nowhere as close as it would be if you got the virus -- and it's just...not a great situation. And the idiots on the streets don't seem to care or stupidly expose their noses -- THEIR BREATHING ORGANS -- when they wear masks. Sometimes I just don't...And this is the part of the country that's doing the best, better than every other part of the country. I shudder to think what's it like in other places, what it's going to look like in three, six nine months. A year from now on, what are we going to be talking about I wonder.

I heat is a killa. I should go swim in the mystic lakes. That's something worth writing about, my newfound love of water and swimming. Thanks heat

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