Eleven things that suck

  1. Vacuum cleaners

  2. Yo mama, obviously, can't let that one go. But also also we have to be inclusive now times are changing we can't just insult people's mothers. So also yo daddy. Ew. I feel gross typing that one out.

  3. The current administration in the U.S, so very much and also the great superb comedic team lead by the great comedy improviser KPOLI who unfortunately also happens to be the leader of the country.

  4. The current global pandemic and the myriad of long term consequences it'll have on people everywhere.

  5. Those shitty cans that you can't open cleanly enough so you need to press away the top with your hands and you end up cutting your fingers on them.

  6. Black holes. They can suck light in, so they're amazing at sucking.

  7. The poor international students who have been abandoned in America by America and are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Their job opportunities can also count as things that suck.

  8. Going to your favourite restaurant after four months excited at the prospect of cheap amazing food they don't go easy on the spice either you're going to order an extra serving and take it home, and finding out when you're there that they're closed for an indeterminate period possibly forever.

  9. The situation in yemen. Also, cancer.

  10. Siphons and whirlpools.

  11. When you have an amazing hand in a game of poker but the shown cards are shit still you're confident you have a good chance to win so you go all in and they go all in, and in the end they win you by a single card, just one step higher than yours. And that's how you end up naked at a poker game. It wasn't even strip poker?

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