The very awesome adventures of Beri rabbtit [I]

Write about an animal who goes on a journey


 Beri rabbit was a small fluffy creature in the vast dense forest. He had many friends, and his family loved him very much. His older sister called him 'very beri nice', his mother told him he was the sweetest and great animal in the whole wide world. His father told him he would be the greatest rabbit to have ever lived in the raabitkind.

All the love and adoration was not enough for Beri rabbit. The curious creature wanted more. He was not happy with how things were going around, everything was so boring and predictable. Get up, talk to all the animals in the forest, eat, do your chores, meet up for the evening campfire, and then go to sleep. Live was meant to be more interesting and exciting, Beri thought. I'm not doing anything, at this rate I'll be like my father and his father, and his father, until I'm forgotten. I won't see the world, I won't learn anything new or go on adventures.

Beri rabbit wanted to go on an adventure. All by himself, to the world beyond the forest. Outside the protective shell of his family and well-wishers. His father would bring him a nice warm blanket ifh he shivered, his mom would incessantly ask if he was hungry all day long. It was a safe, happy life, and everyone enjoyed it, this was not for the thrill-seeking fluffy friend of ours. An adventure it is, Beri said to himself, put myself in danger, if something bad happens at least I'll have learned a new lesson and gotten somewhere because of my own hard work not because of my parents or my sister.

The next morning Beri rabbit told his plan to his family. His father gasped in horror and fainted. Fifteen minutes later when the family finally woke him from his temporary impairment, the father begged his son to not go into the dangerous deadly world out there. Beri, you've been under our protection, safe and happy, he said. You don't know the evil bad things out there. You've never encountered evil, they'll want to hurt you, eat you, destroy you. You won't be able to tell who is your friend or who is an enemy. Nobody is a friend out there, everyone either wants something out of you, or they want you dead. Don't go, you're not made for that world.

But Beri remained unmoved. Father, he said, I understand what you're saying. The world out there is way beyond what I have seen, or could  hope to see living in this great bubble inside the forest that you have created for me. But real life is not like that. Surely I'll encounter forces and situations you have not prepared me for, and when that happens I will have a difficult time later in life. It is better for me to now and see what is out there now than later when I won't know what is what.

His father went quiet. It was now his mother's turn to convince him.

Beri, you don't know how to take care of yourself. I feed you seven times a day. Buy you your favourite foods, play all the songs you like, bring you all the playthings you want. In the real world you will have to feed yourself and it is hard. Some days you won't get anything to eat, or even anything to drink. You could even die because of not enough healthy food, my little boy. The world out there is not for a good boy like you, it's for rough and tough criminals.

Beri remained unmoved. Mother, he said, I understand what you're saying. You have given me a good life indeed. But it will always not be so. Someday when I will have to live by myself I will need to do those things for myself. And for those that come after me. And I won't know what to do, as an adult rabbit. It is good for me to teach myself these things now, so I may be prepared for better. I promise to take good care of myself and when I'm back help you and dad with the house.

His mother went quiet. It was now his sister's turn to convince him.

What do you have to tell me, sister, Beri asked, looking at her.

His sister took something out of her pant pocket and gave it to him. Take this little bro and wear it always. My girlfriend the raven gave it to me. She says this is a magic amulet and will always keep you safe no matter what.

Beri rabbit tore up. He started sobbing. The full implication of his decision finally hit on him. Despite making a plan to leave, he was hoping deep in his heart that his family would try hard and be able to convince him not to go. But they lost and he won and now he was going out in the world. Putting himself in the place of danger. His heart started beating very fast.

I will make preparations for the trip, Beri rabbit said finally, learn all the things you need in the real world, and hear the stories from those who have gone out. In exactly a months time, I will depart this forest for my great journey.

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