The very awesome adventures of Beri rabbtit [IV]

 ...The way to go at it is to stay in a disciplined timetable and make yourself do things regularly, not rush everything at once and forget about it, because your body will have to pay a heavy price for it. I want to do the same exercises and studying you did yesterday this evening too, but I want you to make a timetable and follow it. Can you to it Berri rabbtit? Corvina asked.Yes teacher, said Beri, eagerly!...

Beri rabbit was getting bored of his new routine. It had been a week almost, and every day was tougher than the last. He knew it was important, all these lessons, Corvina had explained the fact to him clearly. But the work was boring and tedious. If he could figure out a way to do something once, surely he could do it again and again. Why did he need to make fire a thousand times, using different kinds of stones and sticks. He felt the concept of making fire was enough for him.

Perhaps it is a trick from the elders to bore me into doing this, and think against going into the grand adventure, Beri thought. Because it certainly seemed so. The skills themselves were interesting and cool, he already felt like a hero of a movie, but no hero ever repeated the same exercise over and over again. This wasn't how things were done, surely. Someone would have told him if life was going to be this boring, if doing exciting things was so mechanical. He felt the need to take matter into his own hands.

Beri rabbit was fed up. He knew the basics of most skills, they had given him a taste in the broad spectrum of the various skills and crafts that would be required to survive in the wild. He could take care of the rest. There was really no reason to stay around since he was the expert in those various arts. Surely due to the breadth of his knowledge he was the most informed person in the whole forest, he didn't want to brag but surely even the smarty owl could learn a thing or two from him.

So one night, in the guise of the darkness, Beri rabbit packed up his belongings and headed out of the forest. He was confident, he had the basic knowledge and he knew of the challenges ahead. To make sure none of Corvina's friend got a glimpse of him, he had put on dark black overalls and covered his face in masks so nobody could tell exactly who he was.

His journey to the outer edges of the forest was uneventful. The forest was sleeping peacefully, growling to a pattern. The flowers slept, the trees slept, the rabbits and the snakes slept, and so did deer and vulture. Nobody to disturb him, nobody to tell on him. This was the life. He had made his wa to freedom!

Except it didn't work like that, just as he stepped his feet outside the forest, he could feel strange pairs of eyes leering at him, unknown bitter smells in the air, a low growl that suggested it wanted to pounce upon and consume him. His entrance was reasonably well-described, and created an atmosphere of confusion and victory. For throughout these years they hadn't thought somebody could make it this far with their outdated technology, without using the modern phone or anything. But now I'm lost, I can't produce that cut of meat or the sandwich. There was nothing in there, just a bunch of papers that didn't even matter anymore. Unless there was a key hidden somewhere, among all those belongings. They didn't appear to be the ravings of a madman, instead he came out as methodical and accurate, in the way  roll of cotton is a good company to the doctor whose job was to disinfect that area of the body.

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