Happy morning, chill eventful workday, pizza meals, Cambridge walk, I eat goat, arrested development [Mon 9]

 It is 9.30 in the evening of the same day as I write this, and this will be the 18th post I'll have written in the last two days. If I get ten more in today, they're going to be low effort ones obviously you ain't gonna find high art in these pages sister but that's how life is, I need to get caught up because this is the only thing that's been giving meaning to my life, the only rope I've been using to bridge myself over to the world of sanity and order and if I let it go what is there really except randomness darkness and total incompetence. This is a chance for me to prove to myself I can do this and I will. So here we go.

Got up at 7 in the morning. The heavy weighted blanket doesn't let my body wander about so when I need to use the restroom I reallly need to use it. I got up but didn't go anywhere just ambled about reading news etcetera. Used the restroom at 7.30 thankgod it was available thinking of going to Wegmans early in the morning just for the use of the loo that would also let me do the walks.

Got my business sorted out, ordered items from uniqlo, got credit cards and other memberships paid and confirmed in the morning. Signed into work early on because I felt bad about not doing anything for all these vacation days. This morning when I started work has been one of my freshest days at work in a long time, i was excited eager happy to be doing work, i don't get the Sunday or Monday blues it's another day for me to prove myself, show to the world what a goddamn worthwhile I am and how they should pat me on my back ahahahahaha I'm kidding this is a joke obviously okay but I did feel so energetic all day today.  A good home vacation does really do wonders ehhh.

Workday was alright, lots of meetings, barely had any time to do work work. Took me a couple of hours to get caught up on the news from work and all the pending replies for the emails.

Lunch was two slices of leftover pizza from last night and a peanut-butter sandwich. All my other supplies are out.

Wrote a healthy 1000 words at the work journal, hadn't written anything in a long while possibly due to the stress or maybe other reasons. I don't want to jinx it or anything but I feel a little motivated today, I want to be back on the checklists, I want to start talking to more people, taking on more projects, keeping myself busy taking on greater responsibilities. You know maybe it's the giddiness of the long break talking but I can do so much more than what I'm doing and I should try harder to reach my potential.


After work, on the dot at 4.40, I signed off, dressed up and went on a walk to Cambridge, listening to The Office but really trying to meditate as I walked. I've changed my walking strategy now I don't want the shortest route, I want a scenic route that's also quiet because if the streets are noisy I either need to up the volume on the earbuds and hurt my ears or be unable to concentrate on anything and have my  head hurt. So I used all side streets and strategic crossings. It was a good choice, did it both ways. At the Market Basket I bought a couple of things I needed for the next two days, so apples and bananas two counts each, kefir, expensive chocolate, and a real nice oatmeal plus syrup bread. Yum! I'm evaluating whether I should start making kefir, the only thing stopping me is that the grains are a bit expensive and it's not clear if it's worth the price.

For dinner I had half a bottle of Kefir, rice dal and the goat curry roommate PK made, and the remaining slice of pizza from the previous evening that I forgot in the toaster oven. Still good at kinda' warm, the timer made sure it wasn't burnt.

Watched Arrested Development for a solid hour and half, and then here writing, which is why I'm in a rush. Should have left earlier but it's a good show. I'm going to finish this and do ten more posts, and we'll be rockin' baby.

Plans for the rest of the day: probably not going to be able to live by the checklist as well as my ambitious blog count goals, so gonna finish up the blogs first. Sleep at 11/11.30 probably after writing a bunch and get up early tomorrow. Need to make myself get up at 6 after sleeping at 10 in the evening. Soon. Sooon!

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