Mini-vacation begins, Brookline trip, roti-tarkari dinner [Wed 4]

 Got up at 7.30. The stress didn't let me go to sleep again. The election was undecided, the future of the world uncertain. Had zero motivation to go to work. Signed into work, informed a couple of coworkers I'd be gone for the rest of the week, told my manager too who was super duper understanding. The original plan was to take just the Wednesday off but it had become clear that the information wouldn't be out until the weekend so decided to burn some of the remaining holidays and turn it into a mini-vacation.

Called up JD to check what they were upto, told I was taking a mini-vacation, made plans and I was going there after. Cleaned up, did laundry and packed. Had a really large lunch wish I could remember what it was, probably bread and eggs, had a lot of bread and eggs this week... But I was full even after the two and half hour walk to Brookline.

Headed out for Brookline on foot. My second trip on foot that far. I've been getting more comfortable with going on foot. The strange thing about trip to Brookline is that on care it's 20 mins, on public transport it's an hour and ten minutes at least, hour thirty generally, and by foot it's not much longer than two hours. It's cheaper, better for the environment, better for your covid health and better for your cardiovascular health. Plus you get to know Boston better, it's win win win all around.

Got there, got caught up with everybody, we made tofu tarkari, separately alu-kauli veggies. The rest of the gang had rice, since I was so full I had one roti, possibly two, and tarkari. With a little bit of achar. Made it into a taco and had it. It felt so good to be among friends in a comfortable place. This was a great choice on my part. Cleaned up the dishes, helped JD figure things out, and watched tv before going to bed at 10-10.30 ish. We watched animated series or youtube or some such, don't remember and I didn't take pics of it.

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