The last day of THE YEAR, fruity cinnamon sandwich, walk to Brookline, chimichanga dinner, new years youtubing [Thu 31]

 I write this three days after the day ended, backdating the post. It's because I was in Brookline, and not in an amazing state of mind, due to not getting sleep, so I was grumpy and youtubey all these days. Now that it's sunday morning and I'm ready for the workweek to begin, we can finally talk about the day.

Got up at 10'ish, the regular time I've been waking up, and made myself a fruity brunch sandwich. Four of the remaining slices of the sweet pepperidge farm bread, the stale af bread which was the worst I'd ever had, still needed to finish that. Toasted the slices, put a thic layer of peanut butter on top, bananas, and two of the small pears. Ate the larger slices cos' they wouldn't fit.  Have to work towards improving the shape of the cut fruits so they fit in the sandwich. Sprinkled with cinnamon-sugar powder. It was amazing, and so healthy too! I'd happily have it at least once a week, this fruit sandwich.

Wrote a bunch of posts here in the morning, talked to ED after a long time, about future plans, meditation, options for evaluating a new house etcetera. Received my ordered fancy chef's knife before heading out, didn't open the package though. Watched some youtube too. In the afternoon, headed out for Brookline, listening to the office. Stopped by Microcenter to get earbuds for JD.

Got to Brookline, chilled, watched tv, we ordered burritos and chimichangas from the nearby taqueria. It took a little over 2.5 hours to arrive, at which point we'd almost given up on the food, and planning on making something. Absolutely devoured it, I was so full. We also got some fried sweet plantains on my insistence, put that over ice cream, it was pretty great.

For new years we did nothing more than watch youtube videos, mostly the ashish and nahee ones. Talked to a couple of friends, wished them and texted them. Watched more videos, was up until 2 in the morning with the gang, the latest we've ever been.

And then KP called, and we talked for the following like three, four, hours. It was great, amazing to get caught up.

Went to sleep at 6.30 in the morning. Wasn't much sleep there. Which made me supremely grumpy the next day.

I optimized the crap out of the kombucha making process, and it's now a 15-minute event, including the cleanup

 Regular reader of this blog might have noticed me complaining about the kombucha boil and transfer steps being big big tasks, like I used to have to spend hours and hours taking stock of different dishes and boilers and measuring cylinders and what not, seeing which went where and moving things around, creating mess and spending so long cleaning everything up.

Well earlier today, and by earlier I mean fifteen minutes ago, I decided I needed to get the kombucha figured out, with very little time to go before I left for Brookline. I didn't think, I just had to do, keeping general hygiene considerations in mind. And what I did blew my mind and it was so quick.

Here's what I did. Used a ladle instead of all the messy transfers. And not fill the ladle to the brim, which means I didn't have to be careful, which meant I could move my hands faster, which meant the entire process took shorter even though a ladle itself can take not much liquid even when it's full. And I was done in 12 minutes, cleanup included. Quick easy and painless. The only thing remaining, the kombucha boil wouldn't take too long either, just get the water boiling, add a few kettles worth of water, open the teabags and drop them in. The teabag opening would take a few minutes, but the minutes I could tv or do whatever.

This has also given me idea for the next stage. When I'm bottling, I can literally repeat the same process. Drop liquids from all the jars, since I'm not distinguishing between individuals anyway, into a giant container, and start ladling into the funnels connected to the bottle. That's it, I won't have to tip over anything, won't have to clean like seven different beakers, not care about walking across the kitchen. So easy and simple.

And to minimise the cleanup, I put a baking pan underneath, so all the drips were caught too. So a quick wipe for the table, a ready rinse for the baking pan, and I'm all set to go baby.

I did make a minor mistake, holding a jar above the water, and some of it dribbled over the jar and into the water, which may have contaminated the rest of my liquids. We'll see how that goes, because if that's the case, ahh well, but that was while I was figuring the strategy out, so no harm, no loss.

The communi-union, part II

Continued from here.

March 15.
We had a big fight. He said he doesn't need me, he's got the numbers. I said I don't need him, I've got everything else, and I could have him thrown in. He dared me, double and triple dared me, I said of course i wasn't gonna do it, he was my baby but he couldn't be pulling all the drama or I'd have no other choice.

March 27.
He is conspiring with my friends against me, he's got the numbers, but he doesn't know what I can do. I'm going to make all the wild rules where their numbers won't even matter, they can go jackoff with each others with those numbers. My babe who's the only person in the world that matters, not that idiot buffoon, will of course do whatever and that's the only thing I need.

April 2.
I got it out, I got it to pass, and I can now do a lot lot tlot of things without their numbers, they should be afraid, so very afraid of me. Now that there's leverage, I got my people to get back in power in two of the states because that's how I roll, you support me I got your back. Everyone is baffled but what's so confuses about that. Bitches get stitches, so don't you dare bitch behind my back if you don't wanna get hurt.

April 11.
They're complaining a lot about....everything, making really loud noises about it, and it's being heard all over the world, external partners are starting to raise voices about democracy bullshit all of that, and they're saying they won't let me do anything unless I take the law back. That's how I work baby, now it's all about me taking that ordinance back and not the other things they wanted. Haah, what a bunch of losers, got them just where I wanted them.

April 15.
I've been dangling that piece of carrot for a long time now, act like good boys and I'll take it back, or else, and they seem to be falling for it, I can't believe it's so easy. At this rate, I'm going to be the mfking king of this mfking place in no goddamn time, jeez what a rush, i should have tried getting here earlier, they're never going to get rid of me now, with all the things I can do now, lol. They're still buying my lies!

April 22.
I promised, pinky swore and swore on my mom's grapes lol they fell for that too what a bunch of total 'tards, that the ordinance would be back and out, and they've taken my word for it. I'll keep making excuses until the end of time, keep raising the stakes, two steps forward, a quarter step backwards, until they realize I've got them right where they need to be. And then it'll be too late. Muaahahahaha.

April 29.
Oops, so they're threatening to kick me out of all the houses, the party, the parliament and the government, lol they have no idea who they're dealing with I'm the amazing the great lizard king, they think they can fight with me but they ain't got no clue how venomous I can be, with my baby I"m just gonna destroy everything, burn the ground and salt the earth until there's only one person remaining and that's me and just me. And oh my supporter. And my baby, obviously.

May 5.
Yup did it, they're all out, now all that matters is me and what I do and what I want. Of course baby signed it right away. They're going to the courts, what a bunch of sickos, but that old doddering fool over there's obviously gonna take my side, he knows what's good for him, I offered him the coffers of the government and he happily took me, so everyone's a puppet of mine now, the police the army everything, and they're a gang of street ruffians who don't got 'nuthin'. And that's how the game's played. MUaahahah.

2020: The year that went by and the 30 notable things that happened

  1.  I discovered that sharp fade on me looks amazing, short hair with sharp fade, the classic 'fucboi' look is killer on me.

  2. Uniqlo rocks, their design sensibilities match mine, the sizes are designed for somebody with a body like mine, and their vibe is pretty great. And I look great in the clothes. From the nice cool denim jacket I bought in Singapore to the Corduroy shirt I bought here in boston, to their masks that I wear every day, the store is a total win. Great discovery, and something I'll keep sticking to all the time.

  3. Two of my first cousin had a kid each this year, which means I'm an uncle to three young girls. Wild, wild wild. Haven't got to meet any of them properly though, such a bummer.

  4. East Asia rocks with regards to diseases, when I was in Singapore in February, the level of alert and maskwearing and awareness they had everywhere was greater than they have in the U.S. right now, at the height of the pandemic with each day bringing us multiple 9/11's worth of deaths and nobody caring still.

  5. Actually America is not as shit as one would have believe, relatively speaking, the realization came after the rest of the world totally bungled the response, and the better states in the US have handled it quite well. And most people, a very large percentage I'd even say have been so very careful, and they do care for their health and wellbeing. Also, the portion of Americans who are absolutely batshit crazy and insane is lower than I originally thought, so hurrah!

  6. Walks, I started going on regular walks exploring my neighborhood. Interesting thing, there's never too many people walking around, the lights are barely turned on, makes me wonder if these are all empty houses, where are the people, something I'll never understand. But you go to Cambridge or by the river and there's barely a place to walk, so confusing.

  7. Related to the previous point, but I did start really really walking, as in using my feet for functional purposes, the way our grandparents and their ancestors did. I've been going to my friends' places on foot, even if that means it's going to be a 2/2.5 hours of journey time. There's so much free time, with nothing else happening and nobody doing anything or if they are not showing it to your face, that you don't really care what you're missing out. You can be all by yourself and do what you enjoy the most.

  8. Pandemic the board game is a lot better than I imagined it was. That is all.

  9. Poetry books make great holiday gifts, and some contemporary poetry is actually really good.

  10. Spent many months in DC crashing with PN and S, and later in Philly with SL and NG. Learned many things, had fun times, really connected with everybody. Which leads to my next point.

  11. Realized if I want to be productive, or have independent thought or ambition or really interested in my personal well-being I need a lot of personal space, it's actually quite important for me. I need my own desk where nobody will disturb me, a place to sleep where I can nap anytime of the day without being disturbed, and generally need my own hours. Again, this is to be productive. If I'm on vacation and don't need to worry about other things, none of it matters. Except, writing and meditation are going to be a part of my life forever, so it does matter, sorta.

  12. Which makes me realize...came to the understanding that writing and meditation will stay with me for the rest of my life, there's no way around, and it's all for the better. It's not something worth worrying about, but taking pride in, that I can muster enough self-confidence and discipline to get that far.

  13. Sometimes I feel bad yes, but generally this was the year I discovered I GOT ittt. Made so many new friends, who're going to be with me for the longer term.

  14. Discovered my love for art drawing and poetry, and how I want to start collecting Japanese woodprints.

  15. Tried a thousand different new foods, the most interesting ones being koshary, and couscous, and all different sorts of pancakes.

  16. This should have been way way up, but discovered I'm into fermentation and 'growing' things in general, whether it be winemaking or yogurtmaking or brewing kombucha, or fermented grains, or even growing mushrooms.

  17. Worked towards technical engineering solutions to the problems I discovered working in point 16, which has helped me understand how human problems and engineering solutions are related.

  18. Learned even greater humility, and greater love.

  19. Had a lot lot lot of chocolates, without gaining any weight.

  20. Couldn't lose any weight below the average I have had for the last five years, despite trying hard, and sometimes not at all. I don't even care about the weight, it's just the shape that bothers me!

  21. Realized that besides close family, all of whom don't want to be there long term either, there is not much in Nepal to go back to, friends are all here or distributed across the world, and same for family. And it's really quite hard to make friends, unless I want to go about like some sort of weirdo creep.

  22. Started listening to so many new awesome podcasts.

  23. Taskmaster. One word.

  24. Explored for the first time, the option to buy a house, and seriously evaluated the options. I'm not there yet, but it's close I can feel it.

  25. Got more into nerdy things like 'shop' and 'diy' etcetera.

  26. Didn't see any SS. Ouch. It's painful. Hope this changes. Such a wonderful person.

  27. Discovered people have 'conspiracies' among group of friends or acquaintances, and how it can be quite easy to take sides.

  28. Maybe I should start a youtube channel?

  29. Wrote so much!

  30. Had long holidays all by myself, and loved them, without feeling like a loser!

Looking forward to 2021

It's the last day of the year 2020, ahh what a year, a year we wish to forget, to remove from our lives, and a number from our ages, for if we didn't really live it, why must we could it in that odd number that goes with us where we go?

To be quite brutally honest, it wasn't too too awfully difficult or challenging, I spent many months with my friends, more so than a regular year except they were just bunched together, spent a good fat amount of time in Philly, the festive celebrations were had in Boston, something that had not been happening for many years now. And owh, before I forget, Nepal and Singapore and what an incredibly exciting time that was, the family reunions, the weddings the sights and smells. Good times them, the before times.

The year has come to an end, but the pandemic has not, we still gotta be careful and on our best behavior. They're saying the vaccines will be here available in May, though doctors and epidemiologists suggests we should not be out and about until next September/October, particularly if we are immuno-compromised. That sucks for my dear IA and several other people I know, hoping I'm going to be a little better off myself.

2021 will also be the year when several of my near and dears including family will get into grad school near me, which will be another stage in life, easier to plan things around when your family and friends are close to where you want to be for the long-term. Speaking of long term, the new year will bring new plans, new ideas, decisions, interesting things. Will have to see where they go.

Last year and the end of December I declared 2020 to be the year of ME, and it's not unfair to say I accomplished a lot of what I set out to do. In different ways than planned but considering the circumstances, it's been great I'd say. The writing's been fiiine, the meditations have been coming along quite well, the EAP sessions have been running smoothly, and I'm getting more interested at work. And the long-term 'where do I want to be' problem has been solved in the big picture. The small details, the important bits remain but they too shall be figured out in the coming year, there's no doubt.

I wanted to get a book written and hopefully published by the coming birthday. That's not going to happen. It could if I put in a heckuva lot of effort, but not going to be doing that. All this writing has taught me that yes there is a real desire in me to be published and read, but to also produce good content. I 'm not a particularly gifted person which means it's going to have to be the the hard way, with a lot of difficult hillclimbing, tears, frustrations and so many lessons learned. The journey won't be easy, but it'll be worth it.

I'm quite confident if I go at this pace, in a year I'll be a lot more confident in writing a book and getting it published. It wouldn't come off as a surprise if there was an 'output' a finished first or third draft out there sitting, ready to be seen by the close and the trusty, waiting to find a good editor. What a gift that would be.

Lotsa' things to look forward to in the new year. Lotsa decisions and adult choices to make. It's going to be a bit stressful but exhilarating. SO long.

Great walk, productive day, I is back in town,amzing heavy breakfast, traditional dinner, automating Landinsky, bummed out about future [Wed 30]

 I write this a few minutes after the midnight, I should have been done at 9 really but I got distracted by...things, and then got myself involved in a programming project to download Landinsky's book, all of that usual distractions and just like that it was 12. I'm surprised I even had the drive to get this far. For tomorrow I'll write the second version of the 'journal' I did today, the other post I planned to write, probably a couple of 'jestha 19' pieces, among others, and get to 142 asap.

Anyway, this is the stuff I was upto today, in whatever order alright. The headline is a mess, and I'm in a rush to sleep and put things in order, so don't bother me, byee.

I've been writing for the last 30 minutes, as I watch my other laptop the main one download the book about god and spirituality. Before, I was coding and perfecting the code to get it work, and before that, I guess I was looking at landinsky, how all my passwords seem to have been compromised, all those I used from more than five years ago and I absolutely need to setup a password manager asap.

Before that I was talking to N from Philla, NYE plans, visa plans, work healthcare all of that, and how things have been with me. Before that I was wasting my time on random things because I wasn't feeling great. Before that I called SK [VA] and talked to them for a good amount of time. I was bummed out and they were there for me, felt good. I'm afraid about the future, moving to the burbs, settling down and a boring stable old people middle class life. I love my friends, love my family, love the people I talk to heh heh heh but it seems scary dull and lonely. I've been up and about cities for my entire life, and moving away where nobody outside your room knows you and you need to drive about to see your friends seems really stressful.

That came about because friend-of-the-house I was over, he's back from VT where his family lives, and we were talking about apartments and how one-bedrooms are priced for couples and out of the affordable range for single people. He was saying how he's been looking at a tonne of new places, hasn't found anything new. That led us to all talk about our future plans, and I'd been keeping it 'for april' not really worrying about what I'd need to do, so that stressed me out a bit, which led me to call like seven of my friends to talk. Also talked to JD telling her I'd be there tomorrow, caught up with I, her application is complete and reminded sister to do her apps.

Had dinner with I and the gang before retiring to my chambers. It was rice dal and brussel sprouts made by roomies.

Before seeing I, I was out on a walk, the usual winterhill-broadway-bostonave route. It's under an hour, slight, I could probably do better, but no energy.

Was boiling tea for kombucha before leaving for the walk. Keeping the water out for the night, adding sugar in the morning along with a container of hot water, so that the tea really seeps in.

Also cleaned roommate BB's cooler and disinfected it, using peroxide, rubbing alchohol and disinfectant spray to kill all the germs. Going to air it out tomorrow, and set up the electronics.

Wrote a bunch during the day, meditated, wasted some time. Did a TONNE of work stuff, architecting, learning go and how to use it in my project. I haven't actually implemented implemented anything yet, but I have a really good idea of what to do, hope to do it soon, with a reasonable mindset. Tomorrow I"ll be working on my regular work stuff and not the project I"m hading.

For breakfast/lunch I had oats with peanut-butter, lots of salt, almost a whole pear cut into small deiced pieces, dark brown sugar, cinnamon powder. It was so goddamn good. Cinnamon sugar and brown sugar, with peanut butter and milk is amazing, the added nuts and the fruit just elevated it to another level.

Got up at 9 in the morning, because had trouble sleeping and got up too early and sleep was a little to messed up. Going to sleep now so that doesn't repeat for today, it's 00.20 right now, yikes.

Coding to get useful things done

 This is going to be a short one, the major reason being it's far too late, need to sleep and I'm writing this just to get the wordcount in, need to do better than the last year or else what will I have accomplished, is that not right?

This month finally ten years of programming and computer science and software engineering and learning of all those tools etcetera has come to use. I've used my skills for excessively selfish and greedy uses, albeit completely illegal and quite moral. I've been using a little bit of python coding, and a python automation engine to save the electronically borrowed books from various libraries, and converting them into pdf's. Which is basically a digital equivalent of making photocopies exclusively for your personal usage.

It's great, I dunno the last time I got programming to do anything useful that was somehow not related to work, or achieving other programming related tasks. I mean yeah I've built a TONNE of tooling around making my life easier to write a blog at work, but it's all mostly to learn more programming tools than to actually, you know, write. They're all nails being designed and produced for the sole task of testing one's hammer.

Spiritual poems by Landinsky

 I should just write a post on Landinsky at this point, but I'm waiting, bidding for my time, seeing if there's anything big that might come, so we can dump it upon everyone. Here's the deal, I've gifted "The Gift" and "Poems from God" or whatever, both inspirations by Hafez to a good half-dozen friends and loved ones. Now I realize he's got OTHER collections as well, most notable of them which is "Love Poems from God". Got it borrowed online, using a script to make a personal copy of it.

He's good, the man's goddamn good. JD's not been super happy with the other group I sent for the holidays, wondering if Love Poems...would make her happier. It does need a less literal mind, to fully commit to the fact that the "God" in the poems doesn't completely and entirely have to be the three-headed fellow or the white-beardy guy who's also Jesus's dad, or the unseen one who shall never ever ever under any circumstances whatsoever under threat or action of death, be portrayed in any manner whatsoever, it can also be somebody you care about, something you like, etcetera. And that the frequent references to the 'master' aren't about master/slave relationship but more like a call to somebody you've submitted to in such detail that they completely own you emotionally.

Regardless, the books have been send, PN seemed appreciative, we'll see errybody else reacts. I love them though. And I'm not a particular fan of poetry, quite literal-minded traditionally. They're such fun heartfelt reads, it's a pity he's not even more famous. The reviews are so ecstatic about what a revelation the poetry was, perhaps his usage of old-timey mystics actually worked against his favor?

In any case, fantastic stuff all around, highly appreciate the poem, if you've not read it, you should be, even if you're not into poetry or spirituality. Or even, reading. Most of his poems are quite short, twenty, thirty words, so it won't be a pain as it is to read everything else. Really.

If there's something interesting you want to explore for the new year, it should be the spiritual renderings of various old mystics by Landinsky.

I'll have to use fewer personal pronouns to be published elsewhere, working towards that

There's a problem brewing, slowly but eventually, I want to be widely read, loved adored admired, copied plagiarized and generally given the treatment all second- and third-rate writers are given. Which means eventually these will have to be written for somebody that's not me, and be published in a platform that doesn't involve the one person who checks it once in a while, because I tell them to when they ask what's new I say, "as you know from my blog". I can see the stats. Nobody is reading me. I don't even give these a second look, not even to edit, so why should everybody else.

You could argue, and by 'you' I mean just myself as there is nobody else here really it's a sad lonely existence we have don't we, well it's not the problem of the platform, it's a problem of content. You don't write anything anybody will want to read ever, have you tried changing that. And yes, hundred percent true, I concede, but I don't do that because it's not a requirement that's been imposed on me by anybody. I'm in the lawless west of writing, doing what I wish and not following the rare rule I will set up for myself here and there.

To solve that, we need to think from the point of the publishers, imagine what they will want from me, and follow those rules. Once the constraints are set, the content will follow.

The first constraint -- I know this from my time working for the papers -- is that you always avoid using the first pronoun 'I' in the pieces, unless absolutely horrendously necessary. Even under exceptional circumstances, using the  personal pronoun for more than twice or the very maximum three times is not recommended. Beyond that and you're not getting published, unless you happen to have written a much beloved young-adult fiction series about a boy wizard's adventures in his school and his battle against the evil villain who orphaned him as an infant.

Since I have limited success with writing books about wizards, I'm thinking of going the other way, checking how much "I" is being used and strategizing around it. This is not the first change of this kind in this blog. About 14/15 months ago I went on a similar project but instead of reformulating the entire piece to avoid the pronoun, I stopped using it where it was sorely needed. So instead of "I'm loving this what a lucky guy I am", it'd be "loving this, wat a lucky guy am' etcetera. Yes, it went with the letter of the rule, one could argue it was in exact opposition of the spirit. The rule is meant to encourage the writer to restructure the piece, to think in a manner that's more conducive to telling the reader that things are not about the writer's live, it's just a perspective. Didn't work that way though.

With that in mind, that's where the future is headed, it's becoming clear, I don't want to live in the echochamber of my own thoughts, not because it's not fun or that I'm an openminded person, but because I have crap ideas not worth exploring. I need to get out in the world, really learn and taste and understand. For that I must make myself vulnerable, open to being hurt, attacked provoked and made fun of. And there lies the growth.

I'm a pretty pro-growth guy these days. Interesting right?

Actually, everybody having a youtube channel of their own is a GOOD thing

 This is a reminder to myself for tomorrow's posting, since it's a "December31st" kinda thing. Write a 'things I did in 2020', or 'lessons learned' kinda' post tomorrow, for the last day of the year. Don't forget it! That is all. Back to regular programming.

I got into a rabbit hole of youtube videos this morning, clicking the recommended channels on the less-popular channels I follow, and so on and on. Since I was doing this in incognito mode, google began recommending me all the related videos from circles completely detached from mine. And it's a whole wide world out there. It's quite insane actually.

Things I discovered. Literally everybody has  youtube now, particularly since the pandemic, and they get their friends and families to check it out, do live sessions with their extended well-wishers, do reviews, and so on and so forth. Sort of like how blogging was in the mid aughts, but with video. And it's not just the rich, white or western, mostly male population of the internet here. I saw teenage girls from the Philippines reviewing random nicknaks, young men in West africa doing their book reviews, girls in india doing recipes, and reviews, and so forth. Regular people, with views in the dozens or mid-hundreds. Nothing wild. Which made me realize that everybody has a youtube channel now. And they're putting out a lot of content. They're being ignored, mostly, but it's out there. Ohh also there's a lot lot lot of verry racist and uhh 'radical' stuff too which let me to bail out of my journey.

My first response was, as it always is to anything related to modern technology: ohhh noo! How much more can people be obsessed with technology, at their personal brand, the obsession with being seen and watched, can they not just chill and do their own things, have fun with friends and family, not worry about how they're being perceived?

Then I realized, this is actually different. What if I told you that everybody was writing suddenly, a lot, about all sorts of things, and kept churning out content even if nobody cares, their own little universe of reviews and personal observations, meticulously organized and planned, edited and put together? You would congratulate me for the blog, obviously. And with youtube, it's just like that. Except it's even more work, since you need to put at least some thought on the lighting, the sound, angles, intros-outros, and organizing the videos, if you intend to have any number of viewers.

That's when it hit me. Youths from all over the world are getting free training to become amateur filmmakers, editors and sound editors, they're being taught the structure and presentation of all sorts of media in the youtube platform. By using youtube, they're learning to explore interesting topics -- they may not be unique or interesting to anybody else, but that's besides the point -- the flame of curiosity burns bright in them. They are no content with being content consumers, they want to be producers. They are not okay with just listening, they desire to be heard, and they're working towards it.

For me, that's the important part. The internet has certainly allowed for radicalisation of the youth and the elderly. But it's also made a large number of people all over realize, they can get on the tv too, with not much investment! And people want to see them! And they too can be famous, and possibly rich, with this new thing. The marketplace for attention has become global, and in that, somewhat more of a fairer playing ground. It's not just the Hollywood and the Bollywood competing for our attention anymore, it's every other person doing interesting things, innovating, to be seen. Yeah, they will most likely fail, as these things tend to do, but they will have learnt so much, when they're older, their skills will transfer into a better trained and more aware media ecosystem.

Or so we hope. If the radicalization's not let to the third world war by then, alas.

On the Fells reservation

The Fells is a nature reserve that's quite close to us, almost walking distance but not quite. It's a large walking park in the middle of an urban jungle, with many small ponds and two reservoirs that are quite large. I go there an average of couple of times every year, some years I won't go at all and others it'll be on multiple occasions.

Back in college days, we made a nice old walking trip up there every few weeks even in the middle of the winter. In the middle of the winter exactly, there wasn't much to do, so we'd clothe up and walk, try to break the ice on the ponds, skate around a bit, tease the dogs that enjoyed the snow so much and take pictures. Oh so many pictures. Fun times. We'd come back down in the evening, go to a restaurant have a heckuva large dinner, and fall down to sleep aching and tired.

The problem with walking to the Fells was, and is still, that it's quite far away so most of the trip was spent walking on city streets, which wasn't too great. Cars and you know what not. But in Medford, you got to see the nice houses, expensive cars and huge backyards, and a community we didn't usually see around the college area. It was a sight to behold. Often there'd be other groups of students we'd chat up with.

I biked there once, twice maybe at this point. The first time, I almost passed out due to heat and exhaustion, so unprepared for it. We put our bikes on those iron bars separating the street from the park, and got a notice from the rangers, warning us not to do it again or else we're be ticketed and our bikes confiscated.

Last year we went with RD, in her car, and walked. Thank god for me thinking ahead and bringing in headlamps because somehow the whole thing got delayed and it was quite dark before we were able to make our way out. They made fun of me when we began our trip, it ended with me gaining their grudging admiration and respect for thinking ahead.

The last time I was there four months ago, perhaps a little more, with AG, we hadn't in over a year, and decided to chill over there. Great catching up, cool conversations, and a heckuva tiring walk. And we had to walk on the highway to get to her car, which I hadn't accounted for. It was really nice for her to have offered to drive me back, because I'm not sure if I'd have made it on my own, it was so tiring really.

I went there twice with HK, who is now in DC, he's moved from Seattle to Boston to DC in the past three years, and those were quite fun as well, we explored the tower, and the houses over there, made big plans for hiking in NH, those never worked out, but it was fun there.

Last week during the holidays celebrations we wanted to go to the Fells, had been a long time and the Brookline gang hadn't gone there besides JD. Unfortunately for us it rained the entire day we'd planned to hike during, so the plan was shelved in favor of watching movies and pigging out with food. That wasn't too bad either, but the Fells, how it beckons us.

My coworkers went to the reserve once or twice to do rock climbing, hoping for nice spots to set their ropes and guides and whatever it is that they do. Apparently it's not a very good rock climbing spot and didn't work out. They invited me for their trips, but I was not into it, didn't know anything about climbing, my upper body's not strong enough.

I'm writing this because I'm thinking about going there this afternoon, the day's quite gloomy but I'll be well-dressed, and a nice stroll never hurt anybody. You can control your pace there and the terrain's not too rocky, so it wouldn't be a hassle. But the trip's quite long, just an hour and half to get there and back, and a few hours in there too, so it'd end up eating a large part of the day, as it does. Unclear if I want to commit to that, but lets keep all options on the table!

The communi-union, part I

 Journal entry:

Jan 1st.
I love my new mate, he's the best, he's been doing some great stuff, amazing really, I don't know why we didn't hang out earlier, this is so classy, his achievements put mine to shame, need to be more like him. I know I've said some dirty shit about him in the past but that's all history now, this guy and I are going to be inseparable like meat and...nail now, like peanut butter and jelly. Inseparable. The country's in for some wild amazing times, as the two of us, brothers from separate mothers, rock it on. We complement each other so well, almost ready to complement our sentences. It's looking to be a fan-fuckin'-tastic year, and I couldn't ask for anything better.

Jan 4th.
He and I made great plans for the future, to avoid conflict like we've had in the past. We've had ego issues, both he and I, and now we're going to put that behind and be co-operative, because balance of power is important or else it kinda' gets in your head innit. Now we're going to be taking turns doing anything important, asking for the other guy's advice and input on all the major decisions. We'll be like yin and yangs, this is going to be setting example the entirety of history, people will talk about how men so different got together to create a historical partnership, cats and dogs will become friends, toms and jerries will get married, all thanks to the example we'll be setting.

Jan 11th.
Something strange happened, apparently there was a little bit of a power tussle between his people and my people faraway, it doesn't matter, we're both grown men and buddies, insanely close and we'll figure things out. He says his people are talking shit about my people, but he's not going to leave my side and that's why I love this man so goddamn much. He's got the principles, I've told my people to not leave their ground because they're right, and you can just take bullshit over anybody. Besides if I tell them to backout it'll just look lazy and weak that's not how I want to be seen by my own party. It'll be so good.

Jan 23rd.
SO something happened today, and I'm trying to figure out the implications of it. You see he said something that pissed me off, and I said hey we should be working it out together lets just not go at each other's throat man, and he was like, you keep saying that but you never listen, and we have to do the compromises why don't you do what we say for a change. Yeah of course it's easy for him to say that, he's got no responsibilities, he just lies on his bum and talks shit about everybody, I'm the real responsible man here alright, gotta get things sorted. If anything bad happens, it's down to my neck isn't it they'll be pointing their fingers at me and I'll have to be coming up with a good story explaining why things were. Anyways I understand the poor sod's thinking guy doesn't know what it means to be a top man he's always thinkin' like a siss no worries I'll be quite accommodating and help him figure things out. Maybe even mentor the man, looks pathetic that guy.

Feb 17th.
More news about our people not getting together but my folks have the upper hand everywhere which is great since I'm throwing all my weight around them. His people have been compromising all over like they should since I know what I'm doing and have the access to the pointy sticks. It's not like they'd want to mess with me, considering I need to be filling the important positions, and they could be in hot hot water if they don't make strategic compromises. It's not like we're telling them to just sit there at take it, just make reasonable decisions that benefit both the parties but us a little more because we're the ones in control in the end and it would make no sense for us to divide everything as if being in the power meant nothing.

March 1st.
He's really getting into my nerves now, I need to start making some threats at this point. The problem is I've been to nice kind and understanding, patient with the man who's basically a total moron. He doesn't understand what he's getting so all he does is complain about what an awful partner I am. Whatta git.

A straight-edge day, work in vacation, long cold walk, couscous meals all around, yucky snack, short grocery trip, relaxation and timely sleep [ Tue 29]

It's 11.30 in the evening of the same day, and I'm glad to say I'm not too behind my very ambitious goal of 'writing as much as I can' for the entire year, and the month. I need to do a milestone post later, but boy this week has been good, the vacation feels restful now.

I've been chilling and resting for the past four hours, worked on work stuff, architecture and planning a new system I'll be leading. Sent a quick message to my manager, and a coworker both of whom are also on a vacation, to gather their opinions, when we're back. Then researched more on golang, which is a programming language and how I'll be using it, and felt too confused, so got youtubing etcetera. Workwise it was as productive as I was hoping, but it was the first day of workwork during vacation.

Before that I had dinner, my couscous-kimchi salad with roommate BB's spicy italian sprinkle seasoning and parmesan cheese. Couscous with chickpea and kimchi with parmesan sprinkled, ooof so gooddamn good, I could definitely eat it for multiple times a week, if I changed around the veggies.

Also watched Breaking Bad with roommates for like half an episode. I don't want to get into the series because I'll get hooked, so read up on the spoilers and got the curious side of me satiated.

Before that I was doing a tonne of research that was work-related. Consulted roommate BB who does something similar on a variety of strategies to approach a problem. The thing about being ambitious at work, and doing more senior-level architecture and design is that your choices have consequences, and you're judged on the basis of those consequences. If you're a nobody you can make all the mistakes you want and somebody will clean it up, and there are generally not too big consequences, since you're working within set patterns and technological guardrails, once they're off though, you're hosed and you need to figure a way out. I'm not afraid, just excited. Let's leave it at that.

Before that, had very interesting conversation with roommate BB about world politics and history and the future,  ate like half a bottle of stax crackers. Also ate like five pieces of dark chocolate with liquer inside, because I'm an addicted pig, and I can't help myself. I kid. Great chocolate though, not going to buy it again, too sweet.

I was gone for about two hours of walk, went to market basket where I bought green veggies, brown sugar, chocolate, and pears. It was absurdly cold, I walked to the dollartree and bought a real crappy red sauce and the stacks chips. A crazy person outside was trying to be violent towards me, I ignored him and just moved on. So cold, insanely unbelievably, need to put on two layers over my legs from now if it's at these temperature again. Meant to go to the brewing supplies store, realized it was closed, so walked home.

Before heading out for the walk, I wrote a bunch, did a round of meditation, and also did meditation before writing. Before that, I had couscous for brunch, woke up, youtubed and got ready for the day. Got up at 7, out of bed at 8, and really about town at 9, not bad at all, I'm quite proud. It was a good day, looking like things are getting in order.

It's 11.40 now, going to get to sleep after writing this, hopefully over the next several days, I can pull in my sleep time to 10.30, and wake up time to 6-6.30, what an incredible achievement that's gonna be.

I bought an embarassingly expensive knife, really hope it's not a mistake

After being in the waiting list for six months, keeping the shopping cart all set for three weeks, with the cc'info and everything, and convincing my friends to gift me the leather pouch for it, which was half as expensive as the original item itself, I bought myself the Lamson knife recommended by Brad Leone. A hundred and ten buckaroos, all said and done, a little more with tax included.

I was pretty excited about it, until I decided to trawl the internet for reviews. Some say, and these are the reviews from last year but it's important to keep those in mind too, that they're poorly made, don't have straight edges, and need some work before somebody can work on them with confidence. They were disappointed by the quality of those knives apparently. Which does not bode well for me, because outside of electronics and core hobby stuff, this may be the most unreasonably expensive gift I've given myself. Well besides the art I've been buying,'s good for the mood...and an investment...and...stuff, geeez stoppp making me feel bad alright, I like what I like and won't let anybody stop me.

Except perhaps the bad reviews.

I should have at least read some of the reviews before pushing the buy button. I usually do, go deep into the depth of what it would be useful for, how other people like it, what they've been using for, across various websites to be sure I don't fall for the fake websites. And it's not cheap, at the price. Sure it's not one of those super expensive japanese knives, but...for's quite...pricey. And I don't even cook that much. What am I going to be cutting with those anyway?!

My thought is, I'll get it sharpened professionally for ten bucks, and keep using it for several years, carry it everywhere I go, treat it like a baby. It is, after all a 'Chef's knife', and not a kitchen knife, which means where the chef goes, so does the knife. Many after many solid years of use, I'll gift it to somebody that would really enjoy using it, and let them know what a big deal it is. Gifts are not about pricetags, they're about the emotions behind them, and the longer something's been close to your heart, the more emotionally attached you are to them, and the greater impact it is to the receiver.

Speaking of gifts and emotional attachment and how that works, I remember gifting the scarf I'd worn for more than a year to somebody, I don't remember who, but they really enjoyed it...Oooh I think it was TD, she really loved it when she was over last year, and I just gave it away. Felt so good! Need to be doing more of that.

On my song obesession

I cannot listen to a song just once. Never, if I like it.

Take The Lion Sleeps Tonight, for example. Most recently presented in the Lion King movie, but there's been renditions since the 1940's, my favourite one is the latest by Billy Eichner, and the one by The Tight Fit from the 80's. I've listened to perhaps two dozen different versions, after googling for it because I heard it on the office the other day. It's stuck in my head, there's absolutely no way I can seem to get rid of it.

And that's the normal way these things have evolved too. If something catches my ears, it's an earbug, I'll listen to it until I can't listen no more, nonstop. Day or night, in or out, sleeping or showering, nothing matters. I. Must. Listen. To. The. Song.

On loop. I've listened to certain songs for at least maybe five hundred times, on loop, pondering over each tune and note and beat, whatever. Not that I'm a connoisseur of the arts. I'm an addict, a tame one who's a pretty easy sell. This guy ain't getting into 'em drugs for this very reason.

Fortunately, the songs sorta burned out now, I've only listened to it a dozen times, The Lion Sleeps Tonight, today. You know what, it'd be amazing in a serious shootout scene in a dark comedy. They played it in the Cybermen torture scene in Dr. Who, but it'd be kickass if there was a lot of blood violence and gore happening on-screen, with it playing in the background. Something about the imagery of a 'lion', and 'sleeping tonight', idk.

Speaking of which, some claim the lion 'sleeping' is a metaphor for limited sexual performance by men in a tryst. Dunno how much I believe that, but it seems like the fun kind of lie I should be spreading around more.

I write this from my chromebook, my first post from the device straight, and it's a rather underwhelming experience truth be told, not at all what I imagined. The battery life is incredible, mad props for that, but I'm so used to the screen and resolution of my regular screen, and the pixel to word ratio, I'm being thrown off. It's fine whatever.

More will be written on it, i'm confident. Wait for the updates.

Written on midnight christmas eve

I wrote the following on midnight on christmas eve, failed to post it until now. I was at the old street, across from the gym where we have spent many years celebrating one way or the other.

It's seventeen past twelve, the morning of christmas, didn't write anything today because I came to friend SS's place early in the morning, left house at 11.30, did cleanups and meditation and that's about all it took. We're doing a sleepover here, the four of us guests and the two hosts, so much fun being the elderly people that we are, it's sleepy time before midnight. To be fair we began cooking at 4.30, and by 6.30 we were all but done, set to eat. This is actually as good an xmas eve as it goes isn't it.

So many memories ..

Review of The half of it: what a sweet sweet story

If anybody's reading this, and wondering, is this movie worth watching? The answer is yes, it's on netflix, stop wasting your time and just do it. It's a great goddamn movie, full of sweet emotions.

I don't want to get into the story, the trailers give pretty much everything away, guy likes girl, seeks help of nerdy chinese girl to write letter to girl, girl has boyfriend, girl responds positively to the guy, girl realizes the guy is not the same person texting him, guy realizes he's fallen in love with the nerdy chinese girl, girl realizes she loves the nerdy girl, guy kisses nerdy girl, girl sees, things break, boyfriend proposes, girl rejects in public, guy saves girl from emotional humiliation, nerdy girl helps girl out, the two kiss, but they go to college in separate places so nothing's gonna come off it. Add in the obnoxiously annoying and rich boyfriend, the poor girl, the hardworking immigrant family with depressed dad, the hardworking young american boy, and this is the perfect American movie, sorta. The perfect poster child of the great american dream. That Americans suck generally, but there's some amazing kind understanding people who will come around, and they're so hardworking, and their work ethic and passion can turn around even depressed immigrants into working hard, and no matter how difficult their circumstances are, America is the land where the immigrants keep working and working and working, until they just push through and succeed. Which in the movie's case, means going to Grinnell. That goddamn treasonous school that didn't even waitlist me. And thank the gods for that, middle of nowhere corn country doesn't compare to living in one of the most thriving, innovative cities in the world, where a large portion of my old friends also happened to be. Oops, sorry for the digression, still a bit raw there.

It's a really sweet movie, what I like the most is that the lead character is not particularly remarkable-looking, she's not got movie charm or persona, she's you and me, in how we work, how we act towards others, and how we've got the fire lit up on our butts that just makes keep pushing and pushing and pushing, and not worry about the world. Calling somebody 'plain-looking' is never a compliment, except in this case, when we can actually identify with how a character looks and acts. Great makeup job.

This is for the time you're looking for inspiration to stop putting things off, and just get on it, it's about how privileged we've been and ignoring the great advantages we've been given. About how everybody and absolutely everybody is a 'person', we have our own thoughts desires and plans, vision for our lives,  we should be respected as such. That we are not just side characters in somebody else's story, that we're not just accountants and bookkeepers and behind-the-scenes people of others' stories, but we're the goddamn actors and stuntsmen of our tales.

It's for when you need something sweet and nice, to feel good about the world, even when everything seems to be going down. When you need to feel good about being in America, and the future. It's about hope, and understanding each other, how people can come around and we must not give up hope, that intolerance is not pathological and if it is, it's a treatable disease. We can come on top. The world needs more love all around.

Review of the movie Kajillionaire: Skip the trailer and reviews, watch the movie

The movies that have blown my mind, made me feel feels, and really stayed in my head years after I've stopped actively thinking about them have been ones I go in blind to watch. No trailers, no reviews, no comments, nothing. Just watch the movie. This is one of them. If you ever intend on watching the movie, and I suggest you do so, very much, stop reading this at this point. Go to netflix, or whatever service may be hosting it, because it's online somewhere in one of them paid services, and just watch it. Go for it, no shame. The rest of the review can wait.

Let the real review begin now.

I'm not one to hope for female nudity in movies. I recently watched a movie called Tokyo Fiancée, where there was ample nudity of the lead character, a charming woman I'm sure, but I was not into it. I felt a bit offended truth be told, for the movie strutting about her young naked body when the story most certainly did not demand it. Unless it wanted to show how fragile, young and pathetic she was, a child basically, and that the viewer should feel bad about sexualizing the character. In which case a single nude scene would have done, it was the nudity that made me think less of the movie less. Once they'd made their point, they didn't need to hammer on it. It's a lazy cliched trope, as if there's not enough female nudity to see out there. I'm a firm believer in the strategic use of nudity and sex scenes to make a point.

And owh dear. If any movie ever needed a female nude scene, top-only, then it was this. I told 'em, my friends when we watching this the other day, and I'm repeating here: a single nude scene, breasts pressing against breasts, the look of passion and absolute thirst for one another in the characters' eyes would have elevated this movie to another level. An almost-perfect dish that's lacking a certain something, just a touch less salt that the perfect amount.

That comes from a place of love and adoration for the movie. Gina Rodriguez, who is the titular character in Jane the Virgin, I shall refer to as thus, is an amazing performer. With an unbelievable body. The show had made me look at her in a...maternal light, but this movie shows, even as she is older than me by almost a decade, she would be fine playing characters much younger than myself. She has the charisma, the eyes, and the body to pull it off. And yes, the other actors are really great, they play their messed-up characters with near perfection, but ooh Jane the Virgin, how we misjudged you!

The story is what one could call an American version of Parasite: a family of conmen that's broken apart due to circumstances. There's no deaths, it's not a thriller like Parasite, nothing to stressful. It's billed as a dark comedy, as you might expect from a family of conmen who have to learn some lesson or another. But it's a lot more then that. It's about who we are as people, and if it's the nature that shapes us more, or nature. At it's very core, it's an attempt at asking the age-old question: are we really, all things considered, just like our parents, or can we break the chains of destiny and nature and nurture, to live our lives as our 'true authentic selves', whatever that might mean? Are we just a collection of social culture memes, shaped by our families and upbringing, or are we balls of hopes and desires, and individual freedom and can we seek those despite the circumstances. Are we people, or are we agents of the larger society?

The film has a definite take on that, one I agree with, maybe not for everybody, but the movie is worth a watch regardless, even if you disagree with what the thesis appears to be. Or perhaps you could look at it as a subversion of the point it seems to be making, that the future is uncertain and unknowable, and a small battle does not a war win. Perhaps we are just pathetic wet balls of organic matter floating around, and we revert to our original condition, given every opportunity. We don't know, the movie doesn't answer that. But for the question itself, you must watch it.

I read elsewhere that the kiss at the end of the movie, spoilers OOPS, was the most powerful in cinema in recent memory, and I will agree to that. Never before have I wanted two characters to end up together, to do something, show a sign of affection, and to kiss, just kiss and keep kissing, dear gods because that just brightens up the whole goddamn world.

One could argue this movie is mostly about cults, and deprogramming ourselves, and how our families are mini-cults in themselves with own rituals and practices and weird quirks, and it would be true, sorta, but that's tangential to me. This movie for me was about love, and how unselfish and carefree it can be, and how one ultimately decides one's fate, despite the Universe.

Really, watch this one.

Review of Love, Wedding, Repeat: An almost-good movie

What a strange almost-good movie this was.

My favourite performers were Aisling Bea and Tim Key, both of them comedians doing their comedy bits, I know them both from Taskmaster. Olivia Munn, who plays an American journalist attending a British Wedding in Italy look amazing, thought maybe didn't have as deep of a character as they could have given her.

It's one of those 'time loop' movies, where the story progresses with the first day events, and at some point, often at the day's end, the day repeats over and over again. Often there's one character who experiences the time loop, every loop, and comes with a 'lesson' or an understanding of some sort. Groundhog Day, for example, where the asshole tv presenter learns kindness and empathy, act like a goddamn human being to other people.

This movie was supposed to be one of those. Thus the 'repeat' part. And it's not, not really, in more ways than one.

To start with, and obviously there's going to be big fat spoilers coming, no single character experiences the 'loop' more than once. The story just pauses at the end of the first loop, and rewinds, shows us the alternate ways the future might have been decided if there had been a slight randomness in the arrangement of drinks. And does it over and over. So it's more of an alternate reality situation than a 'repeat' situation. Things aren't repeating really, we're just seeing what they might have been.

Second, there aren't too many 'repeats', unlike Groundhog day, or maybe other movies in the genre. Besides the first, original one, the movie 'fast-forwards' through all the other repeats until the final one, where it listlessly ends the original story in the way it 'should' have, but what it adds to the first one is unclear. The day seemed pretty similar to most of our characters either way.

And third, the 'original' story takes up most of the movie running time anyway. So much so that we were doubting if there's even the 'repeat' part in the movie, and if that was a misunderstanding on our part on what the movie was about. 90% of the movie is one single thread. It ends in a really poorly scripted manner, boring and meandering. Then the writers 'undo', give us a glimpse of the various other possibilities, and come up with the 'best possible' scenario. An attempt at becoming a tearjerker, though it doesn't work out.

It doesn't work out because there's a good movie hidden in this mess, but it's not the one the writers intended it to be. They had a pretty decent wedding comedy at their hands, with excellent performers all around, amazing comedians too. They could have played it straight, run through one single storyline, created a bit of emotional drama in the end, and sorted it out with comedic hijinks, like they do in a couple of the 'runs', and in the final storyline. But that's not what they wanted to do, clearly. They wanted to force in the time loop aspect into the story, and that's why it fails.

Even then, with expert editing, they could have salvaged it into something more...wholesome, more nourishing. Not to be so. Everyone in the team must have gone along with this convoluted mess of a movie.

What a waste. Amazing cast, great comedic actors giving their best, and a pretty decent movie three fourths of the way through. An 'auteur', a good editor could still fix this movie, by abandoning a few poor choices, and strategically merging scenes in. It's not a total loss. It can make a come back.

I'd suggest you watch it, for the first story at least, till the ending of it, when things escalate at an unlikely pace, and leave it at that. The loops that follow don't add anything to the comedy, or the story. And to make space for the other loops, they botch up the ending of the original story as well. It's just the endings though. Just like the ending of the Game of Thrones series shouldn't stop you from reading the books, the poorly done later 'loops' shouldn't stop you from enjoying the comedic chemistry of the performers.

Daylong writing, walk to Cambridge and back, catchup with friends, oatmeal breakfast, heavy couscous dinner, everything caught up, limited meditation [Mon 28]

 I write this at 11.50 of the same day, finally caught up with everything I wanted to do. I want to be writing super-duper extra for the upcoming days so the numbers look nicely padded up for the year-end, and then just forget about this rush situation. Just do my work right, go on walks, to my meditation, and write when I must. And if I forget, I forget, I shouldn't be feeling pathetic and trying to set things right, that's not a good reason to give myself anxiety, as if I don't have things to worry about.

I got up at 10-ish, because of all the sleep issues, watched a fuckton of taskmaster in the morning, then listened to various podcasts. Wrote like seven posts, after doing a meditation for creativity, then had a big fat bowl of savory oats. Chilled out, watched more youtube, roommate BB was back, caught up with him etcetera. On my walk, called friend AKS in Seattle, and talked to him for the entirety of the walk, almost two hours. Came back, talked to PN in VA for another hour, had to go because I was too hungry.

Walked to Market basket, didn't go in, took the street to near porter square, and walked back, came in from the 7-11. It used to be a standard route, hadn't taken it in a while though.

Had a piece of the chicken wings that pK and BB ordered from BonChon, had been a long time since I had had chicken. The flavor of the crust was really good, but the taste and texture was meh, and the chicken smelled too...'chickeny', and it was difficult to get the flavor out. I brushed really hard to get the smell of meat out of my mouth.

Researched making a temperature-controlled box for several hours, can't forget that.

Made a nice couscous dinner, boiled pearled couscous in butter, kimchi, epicy timmur achaar, gochujang, chickpeas, lime juice, and everything good we had in the house. As meals go, it was alright, definitely something to be worked on, though I could definitely eat it at least once a week if I was told it was extraordinarily healthy or something.

Then did one of the meditations, and got writing, thought I'd do the other remaining one later, but I was too greedy to get it all done on time, so I've done only 2 meditations, one which was a 'catchup', and it's almost midnight. No matter, tomorrow I'm open to doing 80 minutes of meditation, as long as I'm getting up early in the morning, and spending a decent amount of time on  my work stuff. Work is a part of life, I know I want to reject it and deny it, but it's a fact of life right now, and I need to do well, it's embarrassing if I'm slacking off, I'm not against it in a political or personal sense. So I need to be proactive. And meditation's been helping me figure things out.

It's exactly midnight now. Gonna drink me some water, alas since I'm so thirsty, and go to sleep. I'm tired, it should be good.

Pastry breakfast, daylong phone talks, meditation, bikepath walk, so much taskmaster, late to bed, sleep problems [Sun 27]

Got up at 9.30-10, but decided I wanted to do everything in order. Wrote four posts in the morning, five finally wanted to do a lot more, but got lazy. Also talked to SS [VA] for like 2 hours, and 2 hours of talking to MK (Germany) which took the day upto like 3 in the afternoon just like that. It's easy to forget how easy the days can go by in the winter, specially if you're having fun talking to people, and you're talking to multiple groups of people.

For breakfast I had nuts and breads, and a whole lotta water.

Did my morning creativity meditation. The remaining meditations in the evening. Need to take all the meditations to the morning because otherwise I keep falling asleep.

In the afternoon went for a walk, wegmans towards aldi, across the park, across the river, and back from the boat area. Nice walk, great podcasts, don't remember what I listened to, i think it was no such thing as a fish. 

In the evening I had Shin Ramyun, the standard fare of late, but with added sesame seeds, great revelation they really go well with the ramen.

Also talked to SS, later, through texts, and disappointing things, etcetera. Whatever.

Late to go to sleep at 1.30 ish because I watched too much taskmaster and was unable to sleep because of being too distracted with everything. Need to go to sleep earlier so things can be right going forward.As  usual had problems due to having to use the restroom too many times.

Need to start doing work stuff from Tuesday.

I throw a butter-related hissy fit, great breakfast platter, slow chills, back home, recovery and walk [Sat 26]

 Woke up late, and tried sleeping in till even later, but it wasn't justifiable, so finally got my butt up, helped folks clean the place, and with breakfast. I made myself in charge of the scrambled eggs, beating and setting 9 eggs. I tried putting in a nice big glob of butter, but SS said we didn't need to put any butter at all since it was nonstick, I argued that's so so so wrong, since butter's not about sticking, it's also about texture, it's the difference between eating a thick fruitcake and a croissant etcetera, he said he didn't want butter I said I wouldn't make it without butter and handed the responsibility to JD.

For breakfast we had a huge shockingly tall pile of great pancakes that SS made, three apples, the scrambled eggs that I grudgingly said were nice but honestly they were rubbery and dense,  and the tortilla and cheese thing that JD made, I forget the name. It was all great. We also had pomegranate, it was so sweet, so nice, specially since their Jam was sugar-free so it left us wanting for more and more.

After eating, we helped clean up a little bit, took some photos at exactly fifteen past eleven, and made our way back. The four of us guests walked together in front of our house where I bid them farewell. ND went to his family/friends in Lexington, the rest of the team went to Market Basket/indian store. JD found an amazing set of wireless router on the street that I didn't want to pick up  because i don't trust networking device one finds randomly for free out in the open.

Back home I rested a bunch, mostly listening to podcasts and watching youtube. A little bit of reddit maybe but I'm over that now. Did my meditations nicely after a while. In the evening I walked upto winter hill and back. Had a lot of bread and cakes people had brought over to our place for the Christmas party that roommate PK had organized. It was filling, too much sugar but hey I was lazy alright.

Went to bed too late, was just dillydallying, laughing my ass off at taskmaster and avoiding sleeping because it was the HOLIDAYS!

Decided to get my things in order starting sunday. As always, haaah.

Newari breakfast feast, meditation, lotsa text, more desserts, nap, I ignore a movie, video games, more movies, momo orders [Fri 25]

 Got up pretty early at 8am all things considered, JD and SS woke me up for meditation. Did 40 minutes of it, thank god because otherwise covering up for those too would have been hard. I watched lots of Taskmaster videos.

AD played lots of video games, that japanese-art-inspired game about depression by the spanish studio, he actually finished the game and we watched the end credits, art and music. Folks really appreciated it, I'm happy to report. So artsy.

Lots of texting happened, cleared things with ss about christmas, and what almost happened last christmas and how things are alright now, how we'll probably never be able to meet, and i got called a good man, which is...not a compliment i would wish to receive from them, alas things are as they have been, we cannot change our destiny in such specific ways, but we must carry on. We must try to right the ships of our fate in the direction we want to take.

We made breakfast bara, cauli-potato, beans carrot veggie, I worked on that, and had the entire dish with the sauces from the momo place from the morning before. Everybody had such a great time.

In the afternoon we watched a movie called Love wedding repeat, also one I'll need to write about. I'm lying here, we actually watched it the night before, but I forgot about it, but it's worth talking about in the future, so I'm putting it here as memory. Great performers, pitiful script, and not great editing. It could have been a mediocre holiday comedy everyone could enjoy, so very inoffensive and with good feelings, but instead it's a tiring cliched boring lame attempt at being interesting and creative. If the 'time jump' had never happened and the movie ended like a regular movie, that'd have been a better movie.

We talked a bunch, had more bonbons and desserts, I finished the last piece of the blueberry pie. Everybody got ready to watch the Korean movie The Call...I was the one who voted for it the most eagerly and made the most passionate argument in favor for it, but I was so tired, I couldn't keep it going. I fell asleep in the first fifteen minutes, and didn't wake for the next two hours. It was quite an exciting nap, to be quite honest!

For dinner, we ordered another rounds of momos from the same place, Jay's Pizza. I ordered fried veggie c momo, paid the extra monies for it, unfortunately they didn't give us the 'chilly' part, which caused me great disappointment and regret. The momo was alright, but without the 'c', I'd rather have gotten something else.

At the end of the night we watched another movie, The Half of It, a movie I'd watched before, and kept accusing everyone in the group of not remembering. Later I remembered it was with NG (DC) that I'd watched, and provided annoying commentary to the whole thing. People generally thought the movie was great.

We went to sleep earlier this night, everybody was tired of two whole days of hanging out and cooking and watching movies nonstop. I told JD that I'd come to their place later, I needed a breather from all the hangs.

Trip to SS's place, sad goodbyes, moviewatching, nepali restaurant order, feastmaking, feasteating, moviewatching, latenight hangs [Thu 24]

I write this on the evening of the following Monday, the 28th. Have a lot to catch up on because I didn't prioritize the journals this time around, and for the course of the holidays I was too lazy to actually work on it etcetera. But after this month and year are done, no more 'makeup' posts, I have to diligently write them when they're supposed to be written or they're lost forever. That's how it should be.

Also, a note, except for today and yesterday, a lot of the stuff written here is based on the photos I took of the events, and my vague recollection of the events, so they may not be completely accurate. After I'm done with writing these journal posts, I need to write three 'misc' posts, and am generally caught up with where I want to be. Will be able to focus on other aspects finally. It's tiring, all this lazing about, and then spending days and weeks trying to 'catch up' on my laziness. It's more than the actual effort, something I've learned the hard way.

Got up pretty reasonably in the morning, which for me has been 9-ish lately. Cleaned up, had breakfast of the leftovers, bread and whatever veggies I had, because I didn't know what the plan was to leave, and so I had to get my shit together. Was working on the computer for something...important...I think, because I left a bit later than I thought I would. Anyway, left home at 11.30 in the morning, and got there at 11.40 ish.

Spent the first few minutes getting caught up, appreciating SS's apartment, JM has done so much 'real' art stuff, it's amazing, apparently somebody offered him lots of money for one of his pieces which he was unwilling to part with because he spent too much of his time and energy working on it. QW from his Phd School sent them a keyholder that looks like a dick, and that was the subject of many-a-joke in the evening.

Very soon the Brookline group arrived, AD had driven all the way down and back down to what I suspect may have been just an excuse to pick them up. We talked about our future plans, where everybody is at, and how things are going to be, before bidding AD farewell. He then left to meet his friend, they were driving to Maryland, where he'd meet his other friends, eventually leaving for nepal in a few short weeks. Crazy times. We observed how all our friends whose names started with A had left the Boston group and what an absurd coincidence that was.

For lunch, the group got a large order of momo's from Jay's pizza in Malden. I had had a large lunch, and don't like momos so I abstained. They had a lot of fun finishing it all. It was 3.30 by the time it was done. We watched some absurdist cartoons in the background, put on by AD.

Listened to amazing christmas music very loud too!

We got about making dinner pretty soon, because there was nothing else to do. I worked on the famous butternut squash of mine. We did it better this time in terms of flavoring, oil and the spices, but a little bit worse in terms of the order of putting the ingredients in, because the seasame seeds took forever to be ground, and even then we had many large sesame chunks floating around. It wasn't a dishkiller though. It was universally preferred over my last round of making the same dish.

We had the following things for dinner: apple pie, blueberry pie, air-fried chicken for the meateaters, roasted tofu, my special butternut-pomme hummus, pita chips made from pita bread, asparagus, brussels sprouts, mashed potatoes, and a whole lotta teas.

Got done eating at 8-ish, and then we watched a movie called Kajillionaire, what a great movie, need to write more about it. Loved the actress in it who's also played Jane the Virgin. I'm not one to ask for more nudity in movies, but this is one where female nudity would have elevated the movie. She can really play a vast range of ages and characters!

Then the rest of the gang put on a sad animation movie about the school killings from the point of view of the parents, I sorta got the hint from the animation style so I skipped it.

We ate a LOT of chocolate bonbons.

After some more talking and joshing about, it was time for bed. At 12ish, I tried to write but the clickity clack of the keyboard disturbed JD, ended up not writing. Got up to like a 100 words, will post them in the future.

Grocery list for the morning after the night when you got a bit too drunk

  •  20-count packet of sleeping pills
  • 20-count packet of headache pills
  • 4 sacks, the largest size, of plastic and jute
  • 1 khukuri, the one in the house is not working
  • 1 large galloon of the strong bleach to wash the house
  • 1 long plastic rope
  • 3 packs of incense sticks, various flavors, avoid the 'fresh' flavors though
  • 4 buckets, large
  • 5+ many t-shirts and trousers
  • 2 tickets to chitwan on plane, bus, whatever, whichever is the earliest
  • 2 big bags of well-burned charcoal
  • 1 stick of sandalwood
  • 1 box of strong baking soda
  • several cans of very strong scent
  • 2 sharp knives
  • 1 wooden chopping board
  • load up encouraging songs into the USB drive
  • cheap second-hand backpacks if available
  • 1 large vat of very strong acid, and the container to hold it, if available
  • load up some youtube videos in the phone
  • call somebody to find a good lawyer

What really happened on Jestha 19, part XIX

This is turning into an anthology more than I thought. The idea is to come up with 20-30 most ridiculous ideas and write mock research essays. They need to be more fleshed out than what I did for the last one, but that's going to come as things evolve. I'm just having fun here, nothing to see. Continued from here.

...We were very very afraid, as you know, we thought, if the country cannot protect the queen and the king of this country, how are we the normal people safe from anything...

I see, so you got news at the evening of the same night, is that correct?

We believe so, I have asked many people around, some in high posts in the government and in the army at that time, and I believe we may have been able to hear the news even before that, probably the first few people to hear all about it, right after it happened, they hadn't even taken the bodies anywhere or taken whatever condition Prince Dipendra to the hospital. We didn't know what to do, if the communists would take over, if India was going to invade or China or America, what the normal people were supposed to do. There was a lot of fear in us, but we thought, we are the normal people at least we have a family member in the army. Whatever will happen will happen, we cannot do anything about this, so we just have to live through it. We couldn't sleep very well that night, and as you know right after midnight everybody began to get the news from the phone, soon after the international tv channels covered it, Nepal tv and all the radio channels were out of broadcasting, so everyone knew what was happening. Because of the phone calls and the conversations, the noise outside our house, we didn't sleep the rest of the night. Neighbors came out of the house to talk to other neighbors about what had happened, if they needed to take protective measures against whatever was happening, some sort of invasion or bad things happening. We had no information and Nepali channels were closed so there was a lot of theories and guesswork there. A lot of place for conspiracies.

And what happened?

The next day we learned more about the news from neighbors, the newspapers, the international channels, even the indian news channels were covering so much better than anything in Nepal. The first round of fear was removed, it wasn't maoists or any international force anything like that, but there was so much uncertainty. Who would become the King, was Dipendra really alive for the two or three days he was the King, would the Royal family be able to make it through the incidence, because there was a lot of curfews at the time, some thought Girija was going to use this opportunity to through out the monarchy to take revenge upon the Royal family for how they had treated his older brother. As days went by, things became more normal and there wasn't anything big happening so we felt more comfortbale in believing whatever news that was coming out. Now I know there was a lot of interesting theories about certain members of the royal family doing all of this to be in the throne, but we never believed that, our family, because nobody would be doing that even the most cold-hearted people in the world, killing all their closest relatives, you know the old queen and the new queens are sisters who married brothers too, so it's both sides of the family, to get what...just the reign of a small poor country and not even that much wealth they could show around? They had everything they wanted, did they not, they were above all rules and regulations anyway, why would they work so hard to not get that much more. So it was never quite believable.

Alright, lets go back to my original question, when was it that you first formulated the theory that you will be presenting to us?

This is all related actually, it was around then I started thinking so much, in response to what everybody was saying about the new royals and their family and you know, accusing them or what not. Why would somebody want to commit such terrible crimes, what motive would they have, what would be the outcome of it. I talked to a couple of journalists, people in the army, several government people. Then over the years I've talked to more and more connected people that were present then, or families of those people, and modified my theory so I'm sure it's the closest one you could get to reality. I know everybody will claim that but no, I have really done quite a lot of research, when that book came out Raktakunda with all that bullshit theories, they kept telling me to write a book to refute all the claims and forward my own theories but it was too early, I didn't wnt to take advantage of such terrible events upon the royal family and make money out of it. Now that this opportunity has presented itself, I'm more comfortable talking about it. After the interviews are done, I'm even thinking of fleshing everything out, organizing all the conversations I've had with various people, and turning it all into a book myself.

A whole new world for the musician

Prompt: You're a struggling musician who is playing small clubs on a summer tour across the country and who generally sleeps in your van. But one night, in a small town in (fill in the blank), a concertgoer offers to let you sleep on his/her couch. You take the offer, but by morning you regret it. Write a story that explains what happens.


Big mistake. Now I know.

Shouldn't have taken the couch, it looked far too comfy, far too squishy. I told them, this doesn't look right, the fur hair whatever it is is longer than the most shag carpets I've seen, is this...old, have you guys owned it for a long time, nothing I've ever seen before. They just laughed and said it was a remarkably comfortable place to crash at, and all my problems would be forgotten as soon as I fell asleep on it. I've never fallen asleep that fast, the wife chimed in, owh how you're love it, you'll remember it for the rest of your life, you can bet on that. They laughed, both of them at the same time, the shrill united laugh that should have sent a chill deep into my bones, told me it'd have been a better idea to cuddle up with a rabid dog and a homeless person out in the street than sleep on that couch. But that thought process didn't go through my head. This was the seventh day of my tour, I was tired from the gig and very drunk, I couldn't think straight. A place to sleep, warm rice and dal to eat, and people I thought were adoring fans. I couldn't ask for more. Without taking off my socks or shirt, I hit the couch. That was the last thing I remember.

The next thing I know, I'm falling into the couch, into the hairs, slowly sinking into the great depths, in a couple of feet. Absurd, I remind myself because the couch couldn't possibly have been that tall. You're dreaming, you're tired, had too much to drink and can't think straight, this is an awful nightmare and it'll be over soon, I have to remind myself, because the sensations are getting quite vivid, the scene a bit too real. This isn't real, this is a dream, and you can't afford to wake up because you won't have gotten enough rest. I ignore everything I perceive and make my mind blank.

I hear feet, small stomping feet all around me. Murmers, groans, a lot of aahs and hmm's, I peek through a half-opened eye. I see about a dozen tiny creatures that look like oversized bright yellow beans in comically large red clown shoes looking at me, prodding and pulling the couch around me, as if they were afraid of me. One sees me, and warbles with his mouth, attracting attention of his friends. They all get in front of my face, and wave excitedly at me, and start blabbing, nonsensical noises I cannot begin to comprehend. Have I gone completely mad due to the exhaustion?

A nerdy-looking being whispers something into the ears of others, and their faces brighten up with understanding. They bring in a guitar and a drum set, appropriately sized for them, and a few get on the instruments and begin playing strange tunes. They're not terrible, but you wouldn't pay a lot of money to go see them. Maybe in the youtube age, if they came up with a really high-value music video with known celebrities they'd get somewhere, not just on the merit of their music. The skinniest of the creatures takes the mic and begins singing. I expect to hear really high-pitched shrieking and cacophony of sounds. Instead I hear a middle-aged man talking to me.

Welcome to our land, sir, he says, we have heard of you, and would like to welcome you to this. You might be a little confused at what you're doing here, so allow me to introduce myself, I'm Aackman and I'm the coordinator here, I'll be your liasion here, and help you guide through your journey here. Let me explain to you how you're here to begin with, he says.

A chilling revelation from a discovered diary

Prompt: Flipping through your library books for research, you find one of the books you incorrectly checked out. It’s a handwritten journal authored by someone you know. Who wrote it and what does it say?

I flip through the pages, the dates are from over 25 years ago, I know some of the names. I know some of the names. A particular name jumps out of the page, it's a teacher from the Science department, we greet and catchup sometimes, he knows me mostly because of my uncle who he went to school with here many years ago. His daughter, who is two years below us, is dating a friend of mine. It's certainly him, he's got a woman's name, the only man with that name I know of.

Is it possible...there's references to my uncle in here? Could my uncle have been the writer of this insane diary that details the hijinks of a bunch of boys almost three decades ago? My heart races at the possibilities. I flip through the pages, hoping to find something interesting, something that jumps off the pages.

I find one.

A ghost incident. It talks about a month of a certain year when things went strange, when the new assembly hall was being constructed and a worker got suddenly ill and had to be sent home. Three months later they contacted his home to discover he had never made it. Nobody knew where he had gone, or what had happened to him. It was around then that strange fog appeared in the middle pitch, which they called the great pitch, and you could hear loud shrieks at the early hours of the morning. The boys refused to go out alone in the evenings, even the brave ones easily egged on would not take up on the dare to go out. The pages claim even the staff and teachers were afraid of what was happening, the duty teachers and housemasters forbade anybody, including senior staff, to be out at night all by themselves. There was an unofficial curfew, housemasters told the prefects to hand out demerits to anybody seen in unexpected hours at night.

The incident went on for more than four months, until a few brave boys, helped by what the diary suggests must have been at least a few teachers and staff, explored the new construction area. There they apparently found belongings of the man who had gotten sick, and something seemed off. The boys reported it to the deputy headmistress, and the police were called. The army showed up with their dogs too...apparently in those days, the police didn't have the trained dogs but the army did, and the dogs sniffed around and began digging near this point several hundred feet behind the eastern staff village. The writer appears to have been in the scene and talks about it in the first person. As the dog dug into the ground, everybody got cold, they could almost see what was happening in front of their eyes. The teachers stood stuck to their positions, unsure what to do, when a soldier used a shovel to dig around and help the dog. There they found more clothes and belongings, when they dug later they found the body of the missing worker covered in a blue tarp covering, tightly would by jute rope.

The deputy headmistress finally came to her senses and told the boys to go away, reminded the teachers present of their duties. The school guards restricted the area, and very soon an army truck came to carry the body away. They ran some investigation, it was unclear what came off of it, but nobody was charged, I discover as I flip through the pages. They suspected one of the other workers, for money reasons or family issues, but no one else had heard anything about it, and the suspect had long ago left the project. They cleared up the area, and to drive away the 'evil spirits' in the area, planned on constructing a temple. The saraswati temple that stands there now, where I am currently as I read the diary.

I feel a prickly sensation on my neck. Could this be a coincidence, or has it been orchestrated by the spirit of the poor dead worker who wants justice. Should I be involved?

The village is being taken over

Inspired by all the fuckaroo happening in Kathmandu, alas

 Why was nobody talking, Rajninath was shocked that nobody had objected to such awful plans for the village. There would be no more ponds, all the trees around would be used for building the houses or for making the houses of the rich beautiful, the old role they had played as a center of community, for rest, and to protect the land would be gone. They would be mere decorations, the original function and value they provided gone. Back in the day, trees were respected and worshipped, and now they were being treated like cheap piece of plastic toy, to be strutted around and showed, and that's the end of it. Did they not understand that trees needed company too, much like animals and humans, without the company of their friends and family, they too would perish, with nobody to tell them there was an insect invasion coming, or warning them against diseases. They would be mere pieces of wood, propped up by threads, not living thriving organisms working in close tandem with the rest of the ecosystem. There would be no ecosystem of the old to speak of, only tarmac and concrete, stones and bricks, nothing to breathe, nothing to shade, no life, only the cold rocks taken from the cold hearts of the contractors.

Fellow villagers, I request you to reconsider, we may be slightly well off, but we will have sold our soil, our land, and the dignity of our existence to these wolves. I am not in opposition of selling however I'm against selling to such awful plans, which have considered no respect for the trees and the rivers, our old ways of living, and want to remove every existence of the wonderful place of abode we have made it for thousands of years, and turn it into yet another stone sculpture. Are we so greedy and incosiderate that we want to sell out to the greediest, the stupidest, the most violent, who will not consider our history, and our connection with nature? Surely we must ask them to change their plans, so the ponds will remain, so that the trees are not all destroyed in such a cruel manner, is nobody else with me?

Munshiji, somebody spoke up, it is going to be more beautiful than anything we've ever seen, they're saying. They will create gardens, great ponds of their own, made of cement, so that the water doesn't disappear when there is low rain, they will make gardens with flowers from all over the world, great treest to make it look like gardens of heaven. Have you seen the photos and videos of the great scultures they will make, of our gods and goddesses, of our great leaders and our ancestors? They are offering nothing but respect and reverence to our history and to us as people. What are the trees worth if not used to build a house, and it's not like they're going to turn this into a desert anyway. And most importantly, we will get nice rich-people houses to live, comfortable with AC. We will have our own community center with AC, we can finally do away with the tree-shades, for who remembers the awful sandstorm that would get into our bodies and make us itch all day long, and the sunburn that would turn us older by decades that we really are. This is progress munshi ji, we must not resist it. What have we to lose? Our village is still here, the villagers are till here, the ponds will be made greater, there will be greater diversity of plants, even talking about a zoo now, they are, and it will look like heaven, from what they show in the photos. Why must we oppose, what it is that we have to lose?

Somnath, consider, the trees have a function, they are like our arms, you can't cut somebody's arms and make a wooden arm and color it well and call it a better arm. The same thing with the ponds. THe ponds recharge our lands, the trees save our land, the local plants feed the local insects and critters. What about the diseases and foreign insects these foreign plants will bring, what about how they deal with lack of water? What will happen if all the animals and birds dependent on our local plants die, and so do other beings dependent on them. We will be a fake replica of our own place, pale imitation of our pasts selves, all plastic, with no substance. No, we must protest this, fellow villagers.

Wrong assumptions and recovery from pretend accidents

 How come you didn't know there was going to be other people in there too?

Welll...cosss...He didn't tell meee...okaayyy, and I was too excitedddd, he just said hey wanna come over and I didn't pay attention to the rest of what he said now that I think about it I think he mentioned a couple of his friends are going to be over, to celebrate something or other, oh dear is it his birthday because I don't know and I'm so very afraid he's going to think...I assumed, that's the worst, when the guy knows you assumed and still went with it, I won't have any...leverage, no cards left, I'm naked, in the outside and the outside, what do I do, what do I do, I'm so screwed?

You could like, get out of there no, make some excuse or another, and bail out, get into a store to get something?

Yeah about that, sure this is the city never sleeps but literally no stores here open at 8 in the evening, this is not like your singapore okay where you can buy clothes and soups all the time, and the whole damn city the whole goddamn country is one giant mall and everyone thinks buying anything at anytime is reasonable because all you need to do is to pop into a store and get something nice, and that's the end of the story, the end of all stories. Things are complicated man, this sucks so much, I think I might cry because I really really wanted this to work out you know since everything else...hasn't been going so great, and if I fuck this up where am I gonna go, who am I gonna talk do and for godssake dont tell me about the godmotherfuckin' apps again because literally then I'll choke you to death and then bury you and then pour concrete over it, throw it into the ocean and blow it up with and atom bomb because jeezus man we've had this conversation a hundred thousand tmes okay, that's done for, I need to get this to work, so your job is to help me figure it out, not like tell me it's okay if I just bail out like the million times I've already done, I'm so goddamn tired I'm afraid and if I'm this fuckup and I can never be better what's the whole life been about, I'd seriously jump out of the fucking ship that threw the concrete block of you into the ocean myself if that's how my life was gonna be alright.

Jeezz okaay okaaay chilll chilll babe, it's gonna be alright, you don't need to freak out, he seems like a decent dude, such a kind generous man, he wouldn't think it's ridiculous if you made assumptions, and so what if you did, there's other people in there, and you're here to have a party, okay here's an idea, why don't you ask him for spare clothes, it's going to be embarassing, but tell him, uhh that you've had an accident, and ask to borrow his shirt and trousers, and surreptitiously carry the bathroom trashbag downstairs and throw it somewhere. He'll make his own assumptions, think you're in trouble, and come to save you. The damsel in distress is saved, the knight feels ever the more masculine, and he won't immediately realize what an utter complete knob you are. By the time he comes to the understanding, it'll be far to late for that, huh?

For the first time in your whole life you've given me a good idea man thanks a bunch, this is such a freakin' lifesaver, so maybe I pretend it's like period issues or I threw up or something,eeyeah yeah I won't tell him exactly what's up, just something was wrong and I need to throw my undergarments, and borrow his shirt and okay...let me...send this...t- shirt and'll...throw...the..trash...right..away...yeah yeah okay sorry I was distracted, texting him, this sounds like an amazing...oooh he replied, good news, hurray,, what a relief...alright, bye, I'll talk to you later, I'm heading to the door to retrieve the clothes he left there, byee, talk to you later!

The unlucky family wins some money

Crappy pasta was not the choice of the dinner for the night, but that was what the family had. It had been a rough year, with the business drying up almost entirely, the rent payments were becoming difficult now. The government came at the very last moment and provided with the relief, but just barely, only sufficient for them to not go under and not become homeless. Things could have been better, but for the moment they had a roof above their head, the many dozen cans of beans and tomato sauce, and the piles of boxes of pasta, all from the foodbank. They would make it through to see another year, when the business might see a rejuvenation.

It was not with much excitement or deliberation that the youngest child, thirteen years of age, scratched off the ticket. Gambling when you're on your last penny was not the wisest of financial decisions, they knew but what else was there to do, the money they had left was just sufficient for an emergency backup. The spare cash that had seemingly come from nowhere had to go towards entertainment expenses, and the lottery was the cheapest way to have fun. It would be disappointing eventually, but they'd get to dream, their sleep would be sound. Life is a gamble, they'd think, we lost this one, but surely there's one for us in the cards. The universe is not unfair, it doesn't want us dead, it doesn't care enough, whether we win or lose, and one day a big win will sneak by and it won't even notice. That was the motto they lived by.

Truth be told, they were not as shocked surprised or elated as they thought they would be. They didn't know the exact monetary value of the rewards, they didn't know if they were eligible to claim the prize. And perhaps there'd been some clerical error, that was how things had gone for them to the point, a win being snatched right from under their jaws. The father smiled, patted his son on the head and congratulated him for winning the award. he took the ticket, put it in his wallet and promised to go collect it the following morning. More money for the health emergency fund, he told them, so when you are very very sick, we won't have to beg or sell the cloth on our bodies, we'll still be able to get you medicine and good food.

The following morning the dad took a photo of the winning ticket, both sides, and went to the nearest big store. If it had been a big one, he didn't want to risk getting robbed by the storekeeper at the nearby grocery. He didn't trust those people, an acquaintance of his had been robbed that way, the thief escaped out of the country over a matter of days. FBI had put the man on the most-wanted list, but he was out of the country, nothing could be done, the winning prize was gone forever.

The cashier peeked at the piece of paper, scanned it, turned it around a couple of times, and handed it to him. She raised a finger, and told him she'd come back with the manager. Just a moment, she said as she smiled at him, I'll bring my manager to look at this, something seems up with the system. Soon there were two other members of staff in there, the supervisor and the store manager, finagling the system. They wanted to check his winning ticket too, shook their heads, never commenting on what the matter was.

After several more minutes of confusion, the seniormost manager came to him and shook his hands. Congratulations sir, it appears you won the $100 million dollar prize, we're informing the lawyers and other people so we may be able to expedite your claims. Please feel free to relax at the back office while our associates take care of your needs, she said, as she guided him to the staff-only area of the store. He was not sure if this was real. Better not risk it, he thought.