Travel plans for 2021

This might be pretty short, probably because there's not many plans I want to commit to. We'll see. So many posts to write, so little time, such little commitment, alas. Anywho lets stop complaining and get back to this.

This I write in the context of the Covid vaccine finally having made it, it's in Boston, a friend of mine has gotten an appointment to be shot, and then 28 days later the second one and she'll be safe from this terrible awful deadly parasite that's causing all the havoc in the world. They're projecting that it'll be here for the general public around May, so June-July it'd be safe to travel a bit and explore the world. I won't be traveling right away probably, the longer-term protection is unclear and also wouldn't want to get into the post-covid travel rush that's going to CRUSH so many places with heavy traffic and expensive pricing. Everybody wants to be traveling then which means it's not a great time to be traveling.

So the timing is going to be sometime in 2021 hopefully but unclear at what months.

I want to go to Japan. Tokyo more specifically, maybe a couple of other cities if it gets into the itinerary, 

Don't want to be there just for general touristing and having fun though, I have a goal. To get into all of those small art galleries and collect as many affordable, reasonably-priced and sound-looking Ukiyo-e woodblock prints by my favourite artists, and make a collection out of them. That's right, I want to become an art collector in Japanese art! If they lose their value, it's no matter I enjoy them for the sake of owning them, if they increase in their value it'll be great as an investment. I want to go one gallery to another, talk to the owners, possibly bargain with them, exchange and just do art-trading things. One city to another, a full schedule. In the time in between I can do the other cool things like visiting temples and restaurants and the cherry blossom which is going to be long over anyway, the museums and whatever else they do in there. What do people do besides those things anyway. Look at their paddy fields too, ohh.

And then I want to go to Ph. It's close to Singapore, and my sister-in-law is from there. So I can say hi to her family. I can meet a few of my international friends there too, they've promised to show me around and feed me the best food, it's going to be an incredible opportunity. Eat good food, chill in the beaches, just look at a country that is otherwise very similar to Nepal but generally has done so much better in recent years. Maybe even go to where by dad studied and ate, take photos for him, bring back the memories.

Should be fun.

A few of my cousins have already gone, even those that don't have a spouse from there and they say it's a great place that's quite affordable too. What I know about Ph: it's full of really hardworking practical people who won't take anybody's shit. And under the right sort of leadership it could really be an example of acceptance and diversity, how the old could coexist with the new, the liberal with the conservative. How that's how things progress.

So those two countries I definitely want to be at. A few other places too, Germany was in the books for this September, obviously I didn't go, considering taking the plan to the next year. Maybe if I can go remote for a few months being homeless and crashing at traveler's hostels for weeks until moving to a different city. So many options. I'm excited.

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