Things have gotten noodlier lately haven't they?

 Famous last words: I don't eat instant noodles much because they're devoid of any nutrition, have been intentionally misleadingly marketed as healthy food to young children, and are poor-people food.

Still, I've been eating more instant ramen as of late, the last three months have had four maybe five ramen meals, which is a lot for me. The last one was an utter failure, the one I had today [more to come on that later, for sure], was pretty good though.

They're easy to make, and with all the healthy fixins, they taste good while still being healthy. I don't even go in all the way with green herbs, or it'd be crazy healthy, the ramen part you could almost through out, the soup would be so rich in nutrition and calories. The thing about them is, they save on time, when you don't want to make anything else and can't think of anything creative, you just boil, and sure the entire fiasco will take an hour because when has it not, at least it won't feel like work.

I got the three packs almost three weeks ago to avoid going to the groceries, with the numbers increasing incessantly and what not. It was my lockdown food, so to speak, and it's served me well. I've run out of my three packs finally.

They wouldn't be my first choice of food, but they've served me well, haven't they?

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