This is turning into an anthology more than I thought. The idea is to come up with 20-30 most ridiculous ideas and write mock research essays. They need to be more fleshed out than what I did for the last one, but that's going to come as things evolve. I'm just having fun here, nothing to see. Continued from here.
...How could that have possibly happened? Because it was a conspiracy right from the start this was the plan which they succeeded in. Maybe there were other motivations behind it as well, but I can tell for sure it was the major one...
So what you are saying is that the Western powers could have committed it do possibly spread Christianity and control Hinduism in Nepal, is that right? Why do you think they wanted to spread it here, Nepal being a relatively small country?
Thank you so much, I was just waiting for that question. So if you think about it, you will realize Nepal was strategically important for the demise of Hinduism everywhere. It was the only Hindu country in the world, if they took us down then Indians would have their morals already down, you know. Think about it, if a large percentage of muslims in Saudi Arabia suddenly converted to Hinduism and started worshiping Shiva, how would that look? What impact do you think it would have on muslims everywhere? They would think, owh since the people of the holy places did why must I not, after all they are the closest in the world to the religion and the gods. And India is just so large, you can't have a symbolic gestures like that. Now, to be able to take the Hindu Emperor, who many people regarded as a reincarnation of Bishnu bhagwan, that would be a bit hit on the morale of the people. Who would even believe in the power of the gods and the olden religion when the most powerful person was so easily and simply taken down by his own son in such a brutal manner. Not just him, the entire family, their entire family line destroyed just like that, like a bunch of animals. The psychological impacts alone would have grave consequences. Add to that the political implications of that, it is not at all difficult to see that the impact would be so much more than they invested in. SO it must have been quite important for them.
I understand what you're saying. China, India, they could have been the other targets, no?
It could have been, but those times were different. There was no single Hindu power in India, Sai Baba was the guru of just his own followers, not the sign of Hindus everywhere. BJP was not very strong and their connection to the religion not as unbreakable as they are now. Bajpai was no Modi, what he is now is very different, he's so much closer to being a Hindu Emperor himself right now. Besides, having done something in India would have had grave implications: communal riots, infighting, and a lot of violence that would further push the government to make it more difficult for religious conversion. In India, killing somebody religiously important would have made their aim harder. As for China, you know how the Chinese are, so strict, it's hard to understand their language, they don't understand english like Indians do, they are in their own world, in the own Universe. Their gods are theirs, they are so intimately connected with their culture and a way of life, it would be difficult for them to change it. And you know the communists, they are famously against religion like our own comrades would pretend to be back in the day. So it wouldn't have a big impact there, the religious angle would be unobserved. I think the goal was to provoke opportunities for conversion while not triggering a strong pushback against it, and Nepal was in the right place.
How was it possible for them to have had so much knowledge to infiltrate the palace and do this all in such an exact manner then, surely somebody would have noticed, we'd see some bloody footprints that would not correspond to anyone we knew? Something had to be off no, they had to have left evidence in all the amidst!?
It would have been, I'm sure, I'm sure. However do we know how it was treated, the Royal Palace that night? I doubt if anybody treated it like a serious crime scene like our policemen do or even police in those detective shows from America. Because it was such an important part, so overwhelming, it was so obviously someone from the inside, they thought that there was no need to investigate. And say you were on of the perpetrators and you left bloodprints all over. So who cares, they will think it's one of the soldiers who was carrying them, or somebody being careless. Somebody could have committed the crime, and be cleaning their own footsteps on their way out and they'd have gotten a pat on the back, nobody would have expected a stranger to have gotten in there and done such terrible acts so easily. And that's what they took advantage of. The security inside the palace was lowered because they felt they were already in a fort, and there was no danger from the insiders. They were so overconfident in their security, they didn't consider the fact they might have already been infiltrated by the outsiders.
Your theory I like, this is the one that makes the most sense.
Thank you. There's not much to say, that is it. In my mind, it all makes sense, there is a reason for everything, an explanation for every question, an answer to every doubt or suspicion. That's it, I just wanted to share with you and the government so you can consider this as a part of your investigation, I hope to have been useful.
Thank you very much, I will make sure your privacy will remain secure, anything else?
For currently that is all I had in my mind, thank you so much for giving us the normal people the opportunity, I'm sure this will work out well and we'll finally be able to unveil the secrets behind the mystery.
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