Wrong assumptions and recovery from pretend accidents

 How come you didn't know there was going to be other people in there too?

Welll...cosss...He didn't tell meee...okaayyy, and I was too excitedddd, he just said hey wanna come over and I didn't pay attention to the rest of what he said now that I think about it I think he mentioned a couple of his friends are going to be over, to celebrate something or other, oh dear is it his birthday because I don't know and I'm so very afraid he's going to think...I assumed, that's the worst, when the guy knows you assumed and still went with it, I won't have any...leverage, no cards left, I'm naked, in the outside and the outside, what do I do, what do I do, I'm so screwed?

You could like, get out of there no, make some excuse or another, and bail out, get into a store to get something?

Yeah about that, sure this is the city never sleeps but literally no stores here open at 8 in the evening, this is not like your singapore okay where you can buy clothes and soups all the time, and the whole damn city the whole goddamn country is one giant mall and everyone thinks buying anything at anytime is reasonable because all you need to do is to pop into a store and get something nice, and that's the end of the story, the end of all stories. Things are complicated man, this sucks so much, I think I might cry because I really really wanted this to work out you know since everything else...hasn't been going so great, and if I fuck this up where am I gonna go, who am I gonna talk do and for godssake dont tell me about the godmotherfuckin' apps again because literally then I'll choke you to death and then bury you and then pour concrete over it, throw it into the ocean and blow it up with and atom bomb because jeezus man we've had this conversation a hundred thousand tmes okay, that's done for, I need to get this to work, so your job is to help me figure it out, not like tell me it's okay if I just bail out like the million times I've already done, I'm so goddamn tired I'm afraid and if I'm this fuckup and I can never be better what's the whole life been about, I'd seriously jump out of the fucking ship that threw the concrete block of you into the ocean myself if that's how my life was gonna be alright.

Jeezz okaay okaaay chilll chilll babe, it's gonna be alright, you don't need to freak out, he seems like a decent dude, such a kind generous man, he wouldn't think it's ridiculous if you made assumptions, and so what if you did, there's other people in there, and you're here to have a party, okay here's an idea, why don't you ask him for spare clothes, it's going to be embarassing, but tell him, uhh that you've had an accident, and ask to borrow his shirt and trousers, and surreptitiously carry the bathroom trashbag downstairs and throw it somewhere. He'll make his own assumptions, think you're in trouble, and come to save you. The damsel in distress is saved, the knight feels ever the more masculine, and he won't immediately realize what an utter complete knob you are. By the time he comes to the understanding, it'll be far to late for that, huh?

For the first time in your whole life you've given me a good idea man thanks a bunch, this is such a freakin' lifesaver, so maybe I pretend it's like period issues or I threw up or something,eeyeah yeah I won't tell him exactly what's up, just something was wrong and I need to throw my undergarments, and borrow his shirt and okay...let me...send this...t- shirt and a...trouser...sorry...lol...minor...ac-ci-dent...I'll...throw...the..trash...right..away...yeah yeah okay sorry I was distracted, texting him, this sounds like an amazing...oooh he replied, good news, hurray, thanks...so..much...haha...yeah, what a relief...alright, bye, I'll talk to you later, I'm heading to the door to retrieve the clothes he left there, byee, talk to you later!

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