Just some more dude bullshit you don't want to read about go away

 So the three of us roomies were talking about how life after tha pandemic is going to be why I should be more out there in terms of like talking to people and getting ready to date etcetera, by the time this is all over etcetera, and the general consensus of the group was, and this should be obvious but really needs to be said since it's not been mentioned here before because I've generally been embarrassed about writings things relating to such matters but there's not much happening anyway so here we go, what we think is that since a lot of people have been very single and very lonely and most sane people have stopped dating or hanging' or whatever, there's a lot of pentup how shall one say, horniness, thirst, around in the market, and there's a good chance we might be seeing the greatest boom in population since the Boomers after this is done. Some data points, all our friends, even the ones who didn't plan on getting married and had no intentions to do so got wedded pretty quick during the pandemic, in Nepal, and the justification being that since it's so difficult to have sex as unmarried people there, increased marriage rates correspond to increased horniness here. Since in the US generally and the rest of the more sexually freer world people are still maintaining some sort of distance, it's not clear yet and it will soon be. We agreed pretty much everybody single is dripping, if you put out your ears carefully you can hear the drip drip drip of the horniness out there, it's unclear if it's just physical or there's a more...deeper need for connection and long term partnership, but we see a lot of people being shipped right after when things get normalish. You should be ready for it bro, BB tells me, there's going to be a lot of very demanding people you will need to be working with, but I'm like yeah yeah we'll see you know things as they are, I don't know we shouldn't worry, bidding for my time etcetera etcetera etcetera.

Something else we all agreed on is, and PK was less clear on the agreement, that there's going to be a lot of in-person meeting and canoodling and meeting after this is over, since people are so sick of being catfished and nonstop conversations and unsolicited dirtypics and solicitations of dirtypics, etcetera, so the expectations of the genders from one another have shifted to the other end that real-life meeting and interaction seems like its less demanding and stressful now, so much less work since if you want to stop it you just leave the bar and there's not another dude shouting at you for your nekkidpics. Therefore, bars, grocery stores, etcetera are good places to meet people in the soonish future ones the masks are off the faces.

It was brought up because last night, the night of the Sunday I was over at Brookline and to change topics I loudly and very desperately shouted if anybody knows any single women because ooh I'm a single guy, and there was some serious interest in introducing me to women who are currently not otherwise engaged, an offer I thanked for and rejected because we aren't there and and that is a point I do not want to take my journey towards. There is not an alignment of mutual interests and expectations and so such a structure, no matter how much both parties were interested in creating one, would not be sustainable. You can't build relationships on top of lies, white ones or those of omission. BB was pretty adamant they won't want to get into the specifics right away, and how about, he said, women don't want to get married either maybe they just want to have the same journey I want, which is a fine argument for somebody who would otherwise not be familiar with the community. Yes it's possible my knowledge little as it may be of the community has made me overconfident and that my understanding is actually incorrect and I'm being too judgmental, but even then I do not want to take chances, not lie lies by withholding data. I don't want to disappoint people who are not fully into the king of being disappointed. As the kids these days tend to say, don't kinkshame me bruh.

There's doubts about the structures making long-term anyway for a society, the economy is not doing too good, the politics looks horrendous globally, but one could argue those circumstances are exactly what forces one to consider getting into a safe and stable-ish interpersonal arrangement that will provide one emotional and financial security, and the cost of a certain amount of personal independence. We are no sociologists, but the existing evidence could be interpreted to come up with to diametrically opposite predictions. It's likely the truth lies somewhere in between, towards which direction will be interesting to observe in the coming months and years.

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