Recipe: the dinner I had this evening

 Take potatoes, a few. Clean them thoroughly, like even the nooks and crannies and under the flap. Make sure there's no grittiness in there, because that's going to suck later. Get a fork and poke holes in the potatoes, all over, so they don't explode when boiling. Wrap the potatoes under a large kitchen towel, wet it with water, and put the wet kitchen towel with whole potato inside into a microwave. Set the microwave for 13 minutes and let it be.

Separately, smash several cloves of garlic and chop the pieces finely, also get a large-ish piece of ginger and cut it into until it's pretty evenly small, it doesn't need to be 'powdered' though, decently small is fine enough.

Put a skillet on medium heat, pour in several tablespoons of vegetable oil,  and  add dump cumin seeds, mustard seeds, and all the indian spices seeds into there, make sure the head is on medium low, and turn the seeds around until they're burning. Drop in some chilli powder too. Take the heat to low.

Cut the potatoes after they're out from the microwave, chop them decently small sized, and slowly drop them into the skillet. Increase the heat to medium high, turn the sides around a few times, and then the heat to medium low. After three minutes or so, add turmeric powder, and the ginger and garlic you made earlier. Gradually increase the heat to medium, and keep turning the potatoes. Do it with care, without smooshing the potatoes too much.

After all the sides of the potatoes are decently browned, and at least one side is getting crispy, turn the heat off, transfer the potatoes to a plate, add more oil, and let it warm over medium low. Get a bowl, crack open two eggs into it, add salt, vigorously scramble the eggs for two minutes, and drop the mixture into the skillet. As soon as the egg touches the skillet, turn the heat to low, and keep turning around, ever letting any part of the egg stay in contact with the surface for more then 10 seconds. After 30 or so seconds of turning the egg around, drop the egg carefully into the plate too. The heat in the egg will cook the soft parts.

Add a decent-sized dollop of butter to the skillet, and wait until bubbles start appearing. Put two slices of bread on top, making sure they soak in a decent amount of butter. Allow them to 'cook' for several minutes before turning the breads around, be careful with the heat when turning. Make sure to move the other side around the skillet so it absorbs all the butter and fat, and let it cook. After both sides have been decently browned, take them out and put them on the plate.

Take out the pico-de-gallo you made the other day from the fridge, add salt and pepper to it -- you didn't add then because it'd have gotten soggy due to salt pulling out the water from the greens -- garnish with cilantro if you have any, and plate it along with the rest of your creation. Make it look nice, and serve it with orange juice.

And that's your dinner!

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