More sleep troubles, sleeping pushed later, very heavy lunch, good lunch talk, busy workday, walk to Cambridge and back, youtubing [Tue 15]

I write this at 8.20 in the morning of the following day. This is what happened yesterday the tuesday in whatever chronological order that seems more reasonable.

I went to bed at 11.15-11.30, and sleep was easy to come by. Perhaps that was because  I wasn't trying too hard, perhaps my body just wants to annoy me...put me to sleep when I don't want to, and reject when I do want to, or it's possible it's got something to do with body's certain cycles. It was the latest I've gone to bed in a few weeks, and also the best weekday sleep I've had. Funny stuff this.

In the evening I spent some time writing and catching up on the meditation, since nothing important happened in the morning. Also spent an absurd amount of time on Youtube and other sites. That's the problem I have with staying up late, no matter how many hours I have free they get all taken up one way or the other. In the morning the hours are spent productively, one way or the other. Also talked for a considerable amount of time with friend ML who's looking for people to date but seems to be not very good at it, which has worked out quite well for her parents since they don't need to worry about the extremely boring and un-provocative shall we say, men she's been talking to and meeting.

Got back from my walk at 8.30, exactly two hours almost to the dot after I left. Went to the dollar tree near porter, then across the tiny alley into Cambridge, almost got to Central Square, turned right there around Harvard's Campus, talked to friend N for several minutes until the battery gave out. Listened to Fake Doctors Real Friends around that time, the men and women of the show were surprisingly candid about the situation of their marriages and relationships.  Walked back without anything to listen to, just feeling the cool air against my skin and the mild headache I get when I'm out in the cold.

Wrote a bit until 6.30, did a meditation exercise too. Caught up with roommates, talked to somebody I think. It felt like a hard day's work though it wasn't necessarily so.

Finished work at 5-ish, forced myself through a thousand words in my personal journal. You have to make it a habit, I realized, or you end up just not doing it. It's important to have 'limitations' or guidelines or else you fall of the cliff, so to speak.

Work was quite productive, got some project working in maybe a little more than a day, would have been quicker if my compadres had not helped my downfall by misunderstanding the prompt and not asking clarifying questions, but no worries, I've taken people down manyatime that way myself.

Had lunch quite late, ovened up mushroom pierogies and dumped my tomato sauce and chickpeas with cheese on it. It was so so very filling, it's the morning of the next day and I'm still not hungry. Lots of protein lots of carbs and oh gods so many calories. Skipped dinner since I was so full.

During the lunch hour talked to the EAP guide and we discussed my progress with headspace and I tried taking the conversation into a newer more important direction for me. It's hard to talk from my room because around that time...or always generally...roommates are in the common room smoking there's very little to no privacy at all, but if they want to listen on my conversations and take all the baggage upon them it's entirely their choice.

Morning was not so good, since I slept in late and got up at maybe 4 or a bit later and was unable to go to sleep, I did one meditation and tried forcing myself into sleep. It worked I think, there was some light sleeping there, so I'm not as lacking in sleep as I was last week.

And that was yesterday! No pushups or reading, but I can get caught up with those in a matter of a day or two.

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