Gunna be a wild ride ahead

 This is going to be a mess, it's fifteen past twelve on a weekday afternoon, it's Monday and I need to write a lot of posts so that I won't need to be in the 'catchup' mindset ever again. The plan is to go hogwild and just write, blather, vomit, produce, etcetera, without much thought consideration or care. Just write, like a madman, and see where it takes me. It's clear to all, lets be honest at this point, that where we'll be at is nowhere good, but that's not the point, the point is the effort, just put it in, and see where the rest takes you.

Also a good time to note that starting next year I will probably be taking it easier with the posts, posting them with greater discipline, but probably shorter and without the rush and mild anxiety I get every fourth day when I need to write so much without a notice, and it sucks because number one, I'm not following my own rules, number two, this is not how creativity should work, in spurts, it's just an opportunity for me to put in the lowest-effort work, and third, doing the same thing over and over again is no way to improve.

Additionally, I'll be doing work stuff in my free time too, during holidays and what not, because that's the kind of person I'm gonna be from now on, the weirdo who's actually into work and cares about getting worktasks done, because here's the deal, I want that raise stat I want that promotion stat and nothing in the world is going to stop me. I want. It. And. They. Will. Give. It. To Me. Because. I will. Present. Such. Overwhelming competitiveness and dedication, focus, that there's no rejecting for what I will deserve. Not yet, but soon. Starting today, maybe tomorrow. This is my fate, it's my destiny, and I'll take what I deserve. Etcetera.

Speaking of getting what one deserves, haven't been writing much lately towards a novel, have I, and I'm getting at an age where I might be considered 'elderly' or the 'old guy', or the 'fat creepy fuck who is old af and was staring at you' which I'm reliably told is the age you need to get your first novel out of the way by. Because after that, everything's a breeze, well not really but they'll stop making mean comments about your paunch and wrinkles and short stature, the balding hair, the pointlessness of the jokes, the pathetic written pieces, the general lack of ambition and clearly rejection of any sort of drive, and they'll respect you for the drivel you've produced. What an amazing thing that'll be because if there's one thing I' good at producing, that's poop. And drivel. Which I assume means dried shit, it doesn't even have the juiciness of a diarrheal shit, it's just dry and lame.

Poop jokes aside, the direction we need to take is clear at this point. Writing and meditating are going to be a part of life, there's nothing that should be disrupting it, not holidays, not lazydays, not gloomy days, not even days I'm with family and don't feel like doing it because I'm in such a comfortable hole, nothing seems doable. They're as essential as brushing or eating or like waking up, one's gotta do them if one hopes to live a decent respectable life.

Here's for the future, and the wild wild journey that it's going to be!

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