What really happened on Jestha 19, part XV

 This is turning into an anthology more than I thought. The idea is to come up with 20-30 most ridiculous ideas and write mock research essays. They need to be more fleshed out than what I did for the last one, but that's going to come as things evolve. I'm just having fun here, nothing to see. Continued from here.

.... China wasn't too interested I think, they may have been involved but I don't think there was direct involvement.

So you're suggesting it's one of the western countries who orchestrated this assassination?...

In this exact matter I don't want to say too much. Because it is obvious to be how it was done, but not clear who would be interested in doing that. More importantly you know it is quite unsafe for somebody like me to accuse the western countries as we have all seen the fate of the great Nepali communist leaders who dared to go against CIA and America and look at what happened to them. And now, all our communists are communist in name only, they are actually all the same party in the hands of the foreign governments we all know that, they think the public is just stupid but it's clear as a day. Sometimes a foreign leader or the ambassador will come visit hem and they talk and all the big issues they were having suddenly solve themselves and their policies are whatever the foreign masters want to take. Not to say that I'm a communist sympathizer myself, I don't think there are any communists in Nepal at all even if I were to support them, but that I would not want to be in a place where there is a public attention at me for accusing foreign governments of such grave crimes. Specially if it does it turn out to be true and they think I'm a spy or something to have figured out, you can imagine you know we are family people we don't want to go against anything or anyone. And our children as I said one is in America another is getting ready to go, we would not want to endanger their job prospects and future in any way, so it would be quite unwise for me to say so.

Everything you say here will be used strictly for the matter of the investigation and kept secret, don't worry about that. Consider yourself to be like an informant, governments and security services will act on the tip-off of an informant, they don't want the identity and information of the information to go public as they want more trust. With that information, would you be more comfortable suggesting that the western countries are involved?

I don't know what to say. It seems that way, when all the pieces of evidence are considered. Unless we imagine that India or China is hiding a superweapon, which is unlikely because they would showpiece that to show to their enemies they are better, anything that happens in India of course they have to use to threaten and brag in front of Pakistan. It is certainly not our near neighbors. And maybe other involved countries like Japan...could be...but Japan and Korea are generally peaceful countries towards Nepal, they have never shown any interest in interfering with Nepal's internal matter to any extent, so it doesn't seem believable they would commit such great historical acts. Besides, I don't see any motive for them to commit anything like that. Which means it only leaves us with the Western powers.

You mention motive, I'm glad you mentioned it because we haven't talked about the motives behind this criminal conspiracy at all. If it is certain parties that you think may or may not have been involved, what do you think could be the motivation behind them spending such great technology and manpower at such a small and poor country such as ours?

I do not believe in their view at the time we were small and poor! It is my belief that for them Nepal was a strategic piece where they could run their operations. Now there could have been many other motives as well, but the one that is the most obvious and simple which I can think of is religion. Remember, twenty years ago how many Christians were there in Nepal? Maybe a few hundred, maybe a few thousand. In Nepal hindus and buddhists were living in peace and muslims in the western region and in certain villages. Save for very very few exceptions, there was no religious conflict. And now look at how many christians there are, they are openly converting others to christianity, the governments are encouraging such actions, even discouraging hindu festivals for the christian ones. You know in 1985 when King Birendra wanted Nepal to be declared the zone of peace, who was it that blocked that proposal? The heart of the Christians, Vatican city. And the westerners wanted Nepal to remove the anti-conversion laws despite nobody asking for it, notice how no leaders know or claim to not know how it 'suddenly' appeared in all the new constitutions. How could that have possibly happened? Because it was a conspiracy right from the start this was the plan which they succeeded in. Maybe there were other motivations behind it as well, but I can tell for sure it was the major one.

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