The village is being taken over

Inspired by all the fuckaroo happening in Kathmandu, alas

 Why was nobody talking, Rajninath was shocked that nobody had objected to such awful plans for the village. There would be no more ponds, all the trees around would be used for building the houses or for making the houses of the rich beautiful, the old role they had played as a center of community, for rest, and to protect the land would be gone. They would be mere decorations, the original function and value they provided gone. Back in the day, trees were respected and worshipped, and now they were being treated like cheap piece of plastic toy, to be strutted around and showed, and that's the end of it. Did they not understand that trees needed company too, much like animals and humans, without the company of their friends and family, they too would perish, with nobody to tell them there was an insect invasion coming, or warning them against diseases. They would be mere pieces of wood, propped up by threads, not living thriving organisms working in close tandem with the rest of the ecosystem. There would be no ecosystem of the old to speak of, only tarmac and concrete, stones and bricks, nothing to breathe, nothing to shade, no life, only the cold rocks taken from the cold hearts of the contractors.

Fellow villagers, I request you to reconsider, we may be slightly well off, but we will have sold our soil, our land, and the dignity of our existence to these wolves. I am not in opposition of selling however I'm against selling to such awful plans, which have considered no respect for the trees and the rivers, our old ways of living, and want to remove every existence of the wonderful place of abode we have made it for thousands of years, and turn it into yet another stone sculpture. Are we so greedy and incosiderate that we want to sell out to the greediest, the stupidest, the most violent, who will not consider our history, and our connection with nature? Surely we must ask them to change their plans, so the ponds will remain, so that the trees are not all destroyed in such a cruel manner, is nobody else with me?

Munshiji, somebody spoke up, it is going to be more beautiful than anything we've ever seen, they're saying. They will create gardens, great ponds of their own, made of cement, so that the water doesn't disappear when there is low rain, they will make gardens with flowers from all over the world, great treest to make it look like gardens of heaven. Have you seen the photos and videos of the great scultures they will make, of our gods and goddesses, of our great leaders and our ancestors? They are offering nothing but respect and reverence to our history and to us as people. What are the trees worth if not used to build a house, and it's not like they're going to turn this into a desert anyway. And most importantly, we will get nice rich-people houses to live, comfortable with AC. We will have our own community center with AC, we can finally do away with the tree-shades, for who remembers the awful sandstorm that would get into our bodies and make us itch all day long, and the sunburn that would turn us older by decades that we really are. This is progress munshi ji, we must not resist it. What have we to lose? Our village is still here, the villagers are till here, the ponds will be made greater, there will be greater diversity of plants, even talking about a zoo now, they are, and it will look like heaven, from what they show in the photos. Why must we oppose, what it is that we have to lose?

Somnath, consider, the trees have a function, they are like our arms, you can't cut somebody's arms and make a wooden arm and color it well and call it a better arm. The same thing with the ponds. THe ponds recharge our lands, the trees save our land, the local plants feed the local insects and critters. What about the diseases and foreign insects these foreign plants will bring, what about how they deal with lack of water? What will happen if all the animals and birds dependent on our local plants die, and so do other beings dependent on them. We will be a fake replica of our own place, pale imitation of our pasts selves, all plastic, with no substance. No, we must protest this, fellow villagers.

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