What really happened on Jestha 19, part XVIII

This is turning into an anthology more than I thought. The idea is to come up with 20-30 most ridiculous ideas and write mock research essays. They need to be more fleshed out than what I did for the last one, but that's going to come as things evolve. I'm just having fun here, nothing to see. Continued from here.

...My children, they haven't given me any trouble, that's something I'm very thankful of, others, they get troubled here and there for one reason or another, but not mine sir, the gods have been very kind to me on that...

Okay good, good, happy to hear that about your children. Now to get back to the task at hand, what made you send in your theory for the events that happened?

I heard all over the media, in the television, radio, newspaper, everything was talking about the government is taking input from the general public about so-and-so, and I thought it was a pretty good task on part of the government to be listening to us common folk seeing  as that our leaders don't even come to see us besides election year, they completely forgot us. It was very heartening to see that the government was interested in learning about what we had to see when the next election is so far away. I was talking to a few neighbors, and they said, sir, you are always talking about this and that, and your theory on this matter is well-known in the community as well, why don't you give it a shot and contribute to the government's project. At first I thought I will never be selected, so I will just go to the office, write a small letter and that will be the end of it. I will tell everybody I tried but nobody replied, but at least it will look like I was looking forward to it. But how shocking, very soon after I put in the suggestion, I got a call back, and they invited me to the local office, where I gave my version of the story. They said I might have to meet them once or twice again before I see the national level team, but the following day they called me again, they said the other meetings were not necessary and I had gotten the chance to talk to you right after the first interview.

That's good, easy and convenient for you the, glad you did not have to suffer too much through the process, sometimes it can be quite difficult to go through the bureaucracy of the process, I've heard complaints about that, it wasn't like that for you, nice to know that. We are trying to improve the process too, you know. So tell us about where were you during the events of interest, and how you came to whatever theories and ideas you will be telling us about. Make us understand the evolution of the narrative in your telling or in your head lets say.

Yes absolutely, I was expecting much problems too, which is why I thought owh I will just try once and when it's too much hassle I'll tell everybody, they said I need to spend such and such days all day waiting for the hakimsab in somebody's office, it's too much work, I won't do it, but that was not the case. Very smooth, like a developed country, I'm really hoping the various lessons in governance we have learned from this, like listening to common people, organizing well, and adapting to public's suggestion and reacting to it like you have suggested are moved on to other government department too, very excited about that...

...yes, which is why the government has created this team from all the different administrative, and political bodies across the nation, as well as the corporations owned in part or wholly by the government, so that all the good learnings and procedures of the process can be taken to their respective geographies and teams, as well as making this an inclusive process. If it had contained only one kind of bureaucrats doing a certain kind of job, the thought is their pre-existing judgments would not have let the investigation move anywhere and we would have stayed where we are at.

Very good idea, I'm very excited about this, and thank you so much for the opportunity...

...So to get back to our conversation earlier, I was asking you about how you came up with the theories you will be sharing with us, how they have evolved over the years as you have thought about it, and how and what the nature of interaction was with the events on that day.

Ohh yes yes, that day was very important for me, very close to my heart because we were very very afraid for our family and the country then. One of my brothers, younger brother who was quite young and just a soldier at the time, with the Ranger Batallion, inside the Royal Palace. He called us late that night, in the morning, before anyone knew about it, even before the tv channel or radio knew about it, and he said, there has been a lot of gunfire inside the palace, they aren't even allowing the army to go in, it seems like somebody from the royal family may have fired on everyone else, everyone else may have been dead, like the kot parva. We were very very afraid, as you know, we thought, if the country cannot protect the queen and the king of this country, how are we the normal people safe from anything.

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