What really happened on Jestha 19, part XIX

This is turning into an anthology more than I thought. The idea is to come up with 20-30 most ridiculous ideas and write mock research essays. They need to be more fleshed out than what I did for the last one, but that's going to come as things evolve. I'm just having fun here, nothing to see. Continued from here.

...We were very very afraid, as you know, we thought, if the country cannot protect the queen and the king of this country, how are we the normal people safe from anything...

I see, so you got news at the evening of the same night, is that correct?

We believe so, I have asked many people around, some in high posts in the government and in the army at that time, and I believe we may have been able to hear the news even before that, probably the first few people to hear all about it, right after it happened, they hadn't even taken the bodies anywhere or taken whatever condition Prince Dipendra to the hospital. We didn't know what to do, if the communists would take over, if India was going to invade or China or America, what the normal people were supposed to do. There was a lot of fear in us, but we thought, we are the normal people at least we have a family member in the army. Whatever will happen will happen, we cannot do anything about this, so we just have to live through it. We couldn't sleep very well that night, and as you know right after midnight everybody began to get the news from the phone, soon after the international tv channels covered it, Nepal tv and all the radio channels were out of broadcasting, so everyone knew what was happening. Because of the phone calls and the conversations, the noise outside our house, we didn't sleep the rest of the night. Neighbors came out of the house to talk to other neighbors about what had happened, if they needed to take protective measures against whatever was happening, if...you know...like some sort of invasion or bad things happening. We had no information and Nepali channels were closed so there was a lot of theories and guesswork there. A lot of place for conspiracies.

And what happened?

The next day we learned more about the news from neighbors, the newspapers, the international channels, even the indian news channels were covering so much better than anything in Nepal. The first round of fear was removed, it wasn't maoists or any international force anything like that, but there was so much uncertainty. Who would become the King, was Dipendra really alive for the two or three days he was the King, would the Royal family be able to make it through the incidence, because there was a lot of curfews at the time, some thought Girija was going to use this opportunity to through out the monarchy to take revenge upon the Royal family for how they had treated his older brother. As days went by, things became more normal and there wasn't anything big happening so we felt more comfortbale in believing whatever news that was coming out. Now I know there was a lot of interesting theories about certain members of the royal family doing all of this to be in the throne, but we never believed that, our family, because nobody would be doing that even the most cold-hearted people in the world, killing all their closest relatives, you know the old queen and the new queens are sisters who married brothers too, so it's both sides of the family, to get what...just the reign of a small poor country and not even that much wealth they could show around? They had everything they wanted, did they not, they were above all rules and regulations anyway, why would they work so hard to not get that much more. So it was never quite believable.

Alright, lets go back to my original question, when was it that you first formulated the theory that you will be presenting to us?

This is all related actually, it was around then I started thinking so much, in response to what everybody was saying about the new royals and their family and you know, accusing them or what not. Why would somebody want to commit such terrible crimes, what motive would they have, what would be the outcome of it. I talked to a couple of journalists, people in the army, several government people. Then over the years I've talked to more and more connected people that were present then, or families of those people, and modified my theory so I'm sure it's the closest one you could get to reality. I know everybody will claim that but no, I have really done quite a lot of research, when that book came out Raktakunda with all that bullshit theories, they kept telling me to write a book to refute all the claims and forward my own theories but it was too early, I didn't wnt to take advantage of such terrible events upon the royal family and make money out of it. Now that this opportunity has presented itself, I'm more comfortable talking about it. After the interviews are done, I'm even thinking of fleshing everything out, organizing all the conversations I've had with various people, and turning it all into a book myself.

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