The family realizes something's off about the place

 They were at the gates of the house that could only be described as a haunted mansion.

Yvette, who had been by her husband's side throughout the saga began to have her doubts. "Babe what if we just go to a nice hotel somewhere, pay with our cards shut the tv and walk around town, instead of spending time with...whatever...whoever those people are. We won't lose any money on this either, I'm starting to get a weird vibe right now," she said to Shan.

"Yeah dad it's so creepy and old the house could be full of ghosts, so scary ghosts that could scare Nish and he won't even be able to run because his leg has...whatever it was... I'm down for it, it looks cool and everything they're probably give us like videos of the experience and we could share it with everybody, but it's bad mom's too afraid and Nish can't...with his...legs, so I guess we gotta go huh," the sixteen yearold Palpasa said.

"Hey, I'm not afraid of any stupid ghosts okay, I could kick their ass, not afraid of going in at all I'd run into it in fact, have the most fun. I carried my ghostbuster gun because I knew we were gonna have this situation so I'm all safe Pall, why don't you admit you're the one who's really afraid you chicken chicken chicken. Dad lets go in, I'm really excited, ma it'll be fine we don't need to worry everybody knows where we are anyway they're not going to kidnap us or anything, we saw these people on Youtube. Unless Pall is scared like a baby and doesn't wanna go," Nish retorted.

"Yeah I'm the baby, right, you're still carrying your stupid toy like it's a real toy even during our vacation. It's so stupid omigod, it just makes dumb noises and shoots nerf bullets do you even know that? Oh I get it, nerf gun for a nerfy kid, ugh Nish you're so white, bringing your baby stuff all the way this far," Papasa said to her brother two years younger.

"Palpasa stop! What did we say about it? You're the older one, he's young so you can't go along with whatever he says! You have to be a mature adult and let some things go. You don't have to respond to everything your brother says. Sometimes people say things to trigger you, get a reaction out of you, so just...keep your thoughts to yourself alright? Anyway, we want to have a vote then? Because I'm not going to go in if you guys are not comfortable and your mom's not feeling good about this. Women have intuitions you know, I trust it. Yeah? Soob what are you thinking? You want to go too? Where you at?" Shan said looking at his oldest child.

"It's alright dad, we can do whatever. If everybody is not feeling it, we can just go to a nice hotel, stay in the pool checkout the downtown do some shopping you know? Watch tv maybe, the old fashioned way like in your parents' time. We have no phones to distract ourselves with anyway so it'll probbly be just the same. And we can talk to the local people there to keep ourselves busy. But I'm like down to go in too, whatever. We came for this, all prepared so if you still really want I'm totally down for that," said the eighteen yearold Subash very politically.

Shan tapped his fingers against the steering. He wasn't feeling too good about this. The people who had guided him here didn't seem to be his kind of folks. Not like they could know for sure it wasn't a different program. There were no signs or notices about what was happening inside. And with no phone or way to communicate with the outside world, it could get tricky if they got into any kind of trouble. Nobody would know where they had gone, they'd be lost forever. And he'd be the one responsible. All of it. He didn't want to carry the weight of that responsibility. A nice vacation by the pool with colorful beachdrinks and tv sounded good. Yvette and he would get a nice suite away from the kids, have some quality private time they hadn't had in a while with...everything else happening in the world, and homeschooling at what not...

"Alright gang, we're bailing out," he said, "to the next cool hotel it is!" Four pairs of eyes watched the car drive away from inside the dark mansion.

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