Nursing crushes is generally not a get idea

 When you're nursing a drink, you're hanging out with a drink you don't intend to go beyond, taking your time enjoying the flavor, the taste, the feeling emotions it makes you feel, the drink is your friend, you're in no rush to go anywhere, and when the drink is over, so is the night.

You can also nurse your crushes, keep them with you, feel the emotions, get the rush of it, without being in rush to take it anywhere, or do anything about it, feel alive, get the excitement of having choices and doing things, without actually doing something important. You don't risk rejection, you don't risk breakups, but you don't get the companionship of a relationship either, but so what, you're not in the mood for a hangover. The crush itself is your friend, the emotion you enjoy, the target of your crush may or may not be aware of it but that's besides the point, one might think, after all when the crush is over, so is the night, so to speak.

Maybe it's not a good idea though.

You're missing out, you're creating potentially awkward scenarios, only because you want to feel those feelings. Are you being too selfish, if you're not snuffing emotions you don't intend to let go anywhere, and you know won't go where you want to? What if it was all a massive mistake, an error of the ways, instead stubbing this away like a used cigarette is the way to go?

What if the drink was what was keeping the partier in, without which the cold dark night and the comfort of a warm bed were to be quick to come?

Does it matter?

When is it right, ethical, to possibly cause issues and pain and suffering? Is the raw utilitarian, boring and rather calculative take on our actions the only reasonably way to put our decisions in context or should we bring in the x-factor, the fact that we live, that 'utility' in terms of existence is often a poorly-defined variable. Like Prof. Dennett says, Qualia ain't real, and neither are you?

That is all.

This is a thought in progress, nursing crushes. A grown fat-ass man talking about these things. We are all our full selves.

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