Something about Hyaenas and the forest

 The animals of the forest were tired. The hyaenas had taken over the land for decades, and every year come election time they would make the biggest promises in the world, we'll turn everything into a giant forest, they'd say, there's going to be amazing waterholes, the best waterholes anybody's ever seen and they're going to be great, they'd say, and the animals of the forest would vote for them. Nothing, come the year end, they'd be making fun of the animals the buffoons who'd fallen for their obvious lies and didn't care for anything else in the world save for a good round of drama, and then come election time the denizens would vote in another round of hyaenas. Different faces, same actions, over and over again. Nothing ever changed in the forest.

Sound familiar? Well you betcha it does, it's a metaphor gettit a 'meta-phor', meaning I'm using a fictional fake example of something different to make a point about a topic that's extremely unrelated. In this case, the metaphor is that of the forest and hyaenas and animals of all sort, but in reality I'm talking about politics, Nepali politics. So witty right?'s been in use for thousands of year, before the invention of writing, probably since the origin of oral culture and tranmission of songs tens of thousands of years ago, so if this was surprising to you maybe you should like, talk to people, or read something for a change instead of spending -- nayy, wasting! -- your life away playing video games and on the dirty websites on the internet. They're not preparing you for any useful job in the future, unless you intend to be video performer, but it's not a matter of skill that, and you appearances aren't going to make the cut unfortunately, and there's not really that much demand for 'radio face' in media, or really any audio performers unless you can moan real well but that pays way way below the minimum wage, so it might be better for you to take the least paying but most stressful jobs.

Why are you being so mean to me, you might be wondering, are we fighting or something because I don't remember if something happened between us, and well...the answer is, no we're not fighting but I am, with the system and the goddamn political culture of tolerating fools over and over again, without actually imagining it's going to impact your life, the culture of fatalism and hopelessness, of feudal mindset where you still hope there's going to be somebody out there who'll save you, that your fealty to your goon is going to be great for your personal interests, even though the goon has proven to the contrary over and over and over again, but no you won't listen to the otherwise. This is not even about the American political system, no it's purely about Nepal and how fked up it is, how in the past thirty years there has been zero learning and people just revert to the same childhood mindset, the same irresponsible inexperienced crappy tactics that everybody's seen through, only angling for the personal gain, no interest at all in policies or the big picture, but how your laws will profit you personally and your goonsquad. So disappointing so tiring, just let it be over with bruh, this ain't good.

And so the change of heart, to start working here, seriously, buy a house, settle down, have a career and what not, until at least the first book is published then the second the third until the dozenth maybe then I can make it without working fulltime, but there's no going back home, things will never change, no matter how optimistic friend N gets, all the bits of progres that have been made are being rolled back. It's awful, disagusting, and really, the people who get those hyaenas in power over and over and over again, just smiling at taking it, happy at the power of their vote are the biggest goddamn loser villains, nothing can change their minds, their lives will always remain the same and regress, and honestly they are pretty much squarely to take the blame, the system is no better than the average of its expectations and the average person is an awful corrupt piece of shit with even lower expectations, so it's no surprise. We're done for, so done, there's no plant that's growing in this shitquicksand. What more is there to say, really?

Disappointment after disappointment after disappointment, the biggest problem was having any expectations at all. My bad.

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