I guess I need to improve emotional stamina

Ugh! I hate even bringing 'up this topic but we find ourselves in this tricky situation and I must come up with a life lesson, something to take away from the experience to improve myself. There is something I ere)-discovered about myself that's really fundamental and a basic personality flaw some might even say, so let's talk about it!

The thing is, I have a very limited emotional stamina. What does that mean? It means I run out of emotional energy pretty quickly in stressful or confrontational circumstances. Which leads me to avoid those situations at any cost. Which means I avoid breakups or clean relationship cuts at any cost, and keep suffering. Which further makes me miserable, and in the end I avoid relationships entirely because they're so energy-intensive. They're energy-intensive though mostly because I let them turn out that way, if I'd just broken up at the right time with a solid confrontation, there would be no need to be afraid of them.

What I'm saying 'is, to be better at relationships, I need to be better at ending them at the right time, at for that I need to be okay confronting people with bad news and uncomfortable talk. The fear of the unknown and 'mean-mess' is putting me on a path of greater uncertainty, confusion, and fear.

And not all confrontation needs to be mean and aggressive, it can just be a realistic assessment of the situation, informing other parties of what's going in my mind and trying to figure out how we might be able to fix things. Thing is, relationships are a team sport, and if one team member is suffering, it's in the team's best interest to clear things out. A bad relationship is bad for both the parties. I should not try to play all positions of a team and be a one-man show, the way to improve relationships is to trust my
partners as teammates and lead with faith, confidence, and delegation skills.

More relationships ahead!

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