Reasons why Octopi may end up ruling the world

  1. They won't get into heated debates and fights even wars about what the correct pluralization is. Octopi, octopussies, octopods they're all correct people stop fighting and start working towards global peace seriously there's much muuuuch bigger crises in the world right now we can focus our constructive energy towards.

  2. They're seriously smart. Like actually seriously. If they lived for more than three years and not hella mad at each other all the time they'd definitely eventually devise a way to take over us. Maybe that's what they're already doing sneaking around in the great depths of the oceans!

  3. With this global warming thing speeding up thanks to the current global political situation,  seas will be rising even faster. The future when a nuclear power plant is overtaken by octopodes who just walk out of the water for like 2 minutes is not that far off. They don't even need the sealevel rise, they'll probably wear upturned fishbowls on their heads!

  4. They're already a committee by themselves. Their 'central nervous system' and brain does not have enough neurons to justify their intelligence. Each of their pods has a tonne of neural connections and does whatever the heck it thinks it should do, the central brain is just for everyone to agree where the body is going to go next and if that's a good idea. Sure decision by committee leads to bad ideas but they should know that so much better than us since they deal with it every moment of their lives. We're going to be so screwed.

  5. They can swim underwater forever without the use of scuba equipment. And also be out in the air for considerable amount of time.

  6. They're so goddamn adorable have you even seen them. When the war between the cephalopods and humans does break out the majority of the humans are going to be on their sides which is going to be baddd for us.

  7.  They're friends with dolfins and we know from our science fiction dolfins are the real MVP's of the intelligent creatures. Who dya think the dolfins are gonna support their aquatic cousins or us?

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