A lot of things happening

This is an attempt to write a scene from multiple character pov. Work in progress...

A whistling sound is heard.
A car screeches loudly outside
Someone steps on dogshit and swears out aloud
Somebody drops a plate, it clatters and breaks into a thousand pieces

Rabi didn't remember the house exactly, the last time he was here he had left at night. He didn't ask for the house number because they figured he had been there so often he knew his way around, and he did, pretty much except what the house looked like and where it was on the street. The street wasn't too long, just...annoying to check on each house.

"Hey it's a backyard party, we could drive by slowly a few times and figure out where they're at," he said staring intently out of the window.

"GOod idea babe. We'll be screwed though if there's more than one party around. Considering what day it is, probably a few of those happening no," she said, checking her phone. They would have to call the hosts she knew that, she wasn't going to be wasting her time peeking into other people's homes.

They drove for a bit more. Rabi saw Seema's point, they had driven past two backyard parties on his side of the street and weren't even halfway through. He decided to do a quick checkup of the neighborhood, see if any of the friends were around, or he remembered any features of the house.

Just then, they heard a long whistling sound, like a pressure cooker blowing off but shriller and cleaner.

"Huuh, what a strange pressure cooker that must be," Raul said, as Seems put down her phone and looked intently ahead.

Just as he put his foot on the pedal, he saw people a couple of houses ahead waving, that was it. He pressed the brakes hard. The car screeched to a halt, and the couple were thrown forward. "jeeez babe, be more careful with your driving, so rough yeah, I'll drive the next time if you're like that," she said. "Alright alright I'll give you the keys, don't worry 'bout it", Raul replied.

The couple parked in the driveway, walked around the car to make sure it was safe and to take a note of the house numbers. Seema groaned loudly and swore.

"Who the f$J$k lets their dog shit on other people's property and not clean up," she said, wiping her heels on the green grass.

As they walked into the party, somebody dropped a plate, Raul heart it clatter into a thousand pieces. Raul paused, put his phone on airplane mode. It was going to be an eventful night.

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