Early wake, USPS walk, Aldi trip, chatpate making, bruschetta lunch, early to bed, more to do [Thu 3]

 It's 8.35 in the evening and I'm still aiming to get to bed by 9 or the closest I could get to that. Have my pushups, reading and the meditation to go that's going to last twenty-five minutes. So by fifteen past nine I should be in bed this evening, which is fifteen minutes earlier than last night. Going to bed by 9 is really tough for somebody who takes 40 minutes to eat and 50 minutes to cook and clean and the evenings end on before they start, but we've got to create new habits don't we if we want to move and succeed.

I got up at 5.40 in the morning, had to use the restroom like three times through the night and at some point after 3.30 but got to bed pretty early. The heater's definitely helped me get up from sleep easier. Chilled in bed for like 15 minutes, that too shall go down from tomorrow, did an hour and ten minutes of meditation, and wrote five posts, four for yesterday and one for this morning. Because I was so busy with the writing there wasn't time to make breakfast, more importantly the meetings started right away.

Work was slow, last day of sprint so not much to do, it was boring.

During the day I practiced some meditation, I should definitely set apart like ten minutes to do the meditation homework they tell you to do at home.

During the work hour I walked to Tufts while listening to fake doctors real friends. Finally got the check to the landlord sent for the last two months, Bank of America fucked it up and I was almost in a really big trouble. No big deal, handwritten checks are the way of the future. The rail lines to tufts are almost complete it's crazy to think about that, the new CS building they're constructing is close to being done too. Yowza.

More meetings after lunch, lots of wasting time on nonsense, realization that I shouldn't be wasting my work hours time anymore, should do important things that either improve me or my skills or get me ahead at the work place. Wrote a bunch, 1200 words ish throughout the day.

Got really hungrey, had bread and bruschetta for lunch, this time the french baguette was toasted at least I'm not an animal.

After work talked to roommates for a bit, went on a brisk walk to aldi spent forever checking out the cool things they had, in the end got onions garlic cucumber ginger and pistachio snacks because I was so hungry I could have fallen down right at the store. Had the pistachio on the way back. I had two layers of jackets and two layers of hats (one woolen and one of the jacket). If I wear my really large jacket on top of this combo it's clear that I can brave through any winter Boston or New England has to offer, that's something exciting to note.

Roommates got momos and chips chilly from Jay's pizza.

Came back, cut a bunch of veggies, made 'chatpate' with mustard oil, had it, couldn't eat all of it, saved it for tomorrow I know the concept is weird and gross but I don't want to waste food, now writing this, as I talk to sk who's moving to Boston finally what weird times. Will go to bed in half hour, latest. That's all I got peeps, toodles and good night!

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