Last day of vacation, trader joe's and home depot, automation n the room, leftover lunch bruschetta dinner, writing, early bed [Dec 1]

This is 4.52 in the evening of the next day, I'm freakin' finally caught up until yesterday's posts. If I can get the mandatory for in for this day I'll be on top of my game after a reasonably long time. Here's what happened yesterday.

Went to bed at 9.45, definitely asleep at half past ten perhaps a little later. Made myself write a bunch until then. Yesterday I penned ten posts, which is nothing to be sneezed at. Still didn't get where I'd aimed to.

Had dinner of bruschetta and bread, because I was so hungry and tired didn't even toast the bread. Watched Mallya's episode on the Bad Boy Billionaires show in Netflix. So damn interesting, didn't know any of that.

Between dinner and writing, setup the 2 wireless plugs I'd gotten from Home Depot. For a moment I was afraid I'd gotten faulty pieces or couldn't get it to set up, but I needed to accept the wifi settings. Now there's two remotely controllable devices in my room.

And just like that it' 8.45 as I write this and I'm running behind again. Shit.

Before the writing and chilling I was at Trader Joe's. French bread, bruschetta, pomegranate, yogurt, and other minor supplies for days to come.

Went to home depot before that, spent a long time there trying to find my two automated plugs. Bought those and a bag of paint strainer for my fermentation projects, gonna pick 'em up again.

Wrote pretty much all day long, meditated for 40 minutes, had rice leftovers with 2 eggs and the asian garnieshes I've been having.

Woke up at 7.30 but went back to sleep, up and out at 9.30 ish.

And that was my day!

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